Rear tire carrier from CRL customs | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear tire carrier from CRL customs

It just arrived. WooHoo!!!


All looks fine. All is in tact, box is sealed and the tubes are wrapped nicely. UPS driver is a Puss though. "I am too tired for this, boo hoo" LOL What a beaver!

I will keep y'all posted and steal the digi cam from work and keep a running log of photos.


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Josh -

No problem, I certainly had no patent on the design. I think yours look great. Not sure if you remember, but I have a Smiitybilt bumper, so I incorporated my design into the existing bumper. I really like the way your project turned out.

As for Korea, its not too bad, but sure, I miss the States. I can measure time spent OCONUS in years, but its a decent job so the time will go quickly.

'91 Sport

Paul, well at least you aren't hating it over there. You don't have your truck with you do you? Yeah, i knew you added your swing on later cause you had the front and rear tubes.

Happy trails!!

Well, here is an update. I've been doing a lot of welding on this jewel. I've used 2+ lbs. or .030 wire on this baby in the last week. The things i have done so far are:

-beefed up the bumper mounts to make them wrap around the bottom of the frame so the bumper will not mover up or down
-added a tow hook to one side of the mounts, welded it on and bolted it to the frame also
-added a 2 pieces of small metal with holes in them and welded one to the swivel and one to the bumper it self so i can open the swing, and drop a pin through the 2 holes and it will stay where i want it.
-last night i added my high lift jack, not really sure how Cory does his, but this is close i imagine, hope i didn't steal your design Cory.

That's about it so far. I'll get some pictures of the rest of the add ons, but here are the 2 i have right now.

Happy trails!!


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from the rear


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Originally posted by JoshC
-beefed up the bumper mounts to make them wrap around the bottom of the frame so the bumper will not move up or down

I started making my own brackets to do the same thing. Plus it's just easier.

-last night i added my high lift jack, not really sure how Cory does his, but this is close i imagine, hope i didn't steal your design Cory.

Thats the same way I do the Hi-lift mounts. Don't sweat it!

That's cool that you are making your own brakets now, probably is easier since you're shipping some out.

I tell you what with a tire and a high lift on there, it makes that swing out pretty freaking heavy! But it doesn't matter. I forgot to mention that i had to shorten my highlift, instead of a 48, i now have a 44, haha. Probably wasn't the smartest idea, but that's okay. My door wouldn't close after i mounted that thing on there.

Happy trails!!
