Rear Vent Window Trouble | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Vent Window Trouble


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
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City, State
Wittenberg University
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Sport Trac XLT 4x4

Alright so I have a 2003 Ford Sport Trac and the back/rear window that you can either "vent" or have all the way down is giving me some trouble. The window will go down no problem, but it labors and gets stuck as it goes up and then once it gets stuck, it goes back down. So in other words I can't close it. This problem has just developed and to be honest I have no idea how to approach it. My guess it something is up with the motor that allows for the window to go up and down because there are no visible deformities with the window itself.

Have any of you guys had this problem with your back panel window? What do you guys think I should do? I thought about trying to tinker with it, but I don't know what that will solve/what I will find.


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Have someone turn the knob to "CLOSE" as you help it go up. See if you can feel a tight spot as it closes. If the glass meets with resistance it is designed to retract. The motor seems to be working properly. A known issue is that the regulator cable housings will rust and break but that is only visible for inspection after removing the rear trim panel and the regulator access panel. You could try spray silicone in the tracks and see if that helps at all.

Be sure you're following the "Initialization" procedure, in the FAQ's at the top of the page, exactly.

Disregard the yellow arrow. That was for a cab mount topic.


The rear window system looks like this:


My dad and I tried the coaxing it up, but it only got so far until it seemed to lock in place. It is weird because where it is locked in is not in open/close/vent positions. I was gunna try to lube everything up and if that doesn't work then take it in to the shop.


Alright so I have a 2003 Ford Sport Trac and the back/rear window that you can either "vent" or have all the way down is giving me some trouble. The window will go down no problem, but it labors and gets stuck as it goes up and then once it gets stuck, it goes back down. So in other words I can't close it. This problem has just developed and to be honest I have no idea how to approach it. My guess it something is up with the motor that allows for the window to go up and down because there are no visible deformities with the window itself.

Have any of you guys had this problem with your back panel window? What do you guys think I should do? I thought about trying to tinker with it, but I don't know what that will solve/what I will find.


I have the same issues only MINE doesn't move at. Before you do anything go and lower the back seats I believe there are 4 screws that hold the back panel. Remove it and inspect the attachments. .take a look at how it's working and how it's jamming up as someone else operates the switch. Good luck
