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Remote wire question


Make em say Ugh
June 11, 2001
City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
73 EB
I am installing my second amp tomorrow and I just want to make sure I don't F anything up. can the remote wire be shared with two amps or can it screw up the head unit? Should I run it to a relay then to the amps?

If it is just a switching wire I cannot see that it really matters...

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It shouldnt matter, at least i wouldnt think it would!! I share my remote wire of my amp with my crossover and i have never had a prob.

The only thing the remote wire soes is energize a very small relay in the piece of equipment you are running. This uses very little amperage and you can usually hook up as many units as you want. I have two amps off my remote and have had no problems.

This uses very little amperage and you can usually hook up as many units as you want

That is what I thought knowing it went to a relay. I was just reading ond sounddomain last night and saw a lot of posts against it. People who cthink they are experts( the worst tyope in my opinion), say it will burn up your HU, but I have a fair amount of knowledge and understanding of relays so I didn't believe it and I thought I would confirm it here. (I haven't been steered wrong here yet.)

I'll have pics of the finished install and enclosure this weekend:bounce:

Just closing out thread, to see completed project:

Dead Link Removed

As far as remote turn-on's, I've been told this and I have taken it to heart:

Yes, you can burn up the Remote Turn-On switching in your HU. 3 or 4 units to turn on is fine, but what I did was actually fuse my Remote-On with 0.5A (that's 1/2 an Amp fuse) and am turning on my 1/2 DIN EQ, my Capacitor, and my Amp.

Haven't had any problems yet :)

Talk with u later,
-Mike Perry

yes it is perfectlly fine to use the same remote wire to turn on 2 amps....in my own personnal experience i have hooked up 5 amps on one remote wire, but the remote wire was fused....been a couple years since i did it for a living, but a 1 amp fuse sticks in my head, but short term memory loss has my ears smoking.
i would stronglly recomend, even if you were only turning on one amp that you use a fuse (.5a)

