Removing 3rd row seats, anyone ever done this? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing 3rd row seats, anyone ever done this?


New Member
March 27, 2017
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City, State
Reno, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008, Explorer XLT
New to the forum and first time posting, so I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense. I have a 2008 XLT that seats 7. Wife and I are looking into camping more often and I was wondering if anyone had experience removing the last row of seats for more storage in the back?

Tips, tricks, and suggestions on what to do with the new space would appreciated.


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I mean... you could just fold them down... I know they don't fold exactly flat, but they still get you more space in the back

I've got the 2-row, with the added storage containers below, but I don't really ever use them. I've found that they are inconvenient to get into, and don't really have good usable space. The extra completely flat space with the 2nd row down is nice though, so I get the desire there...

If you look in the jack storage area that is how much space you would gain - however, the seat bottoms sit in a recess so it wouldn't be across the entire floor area - just in the middle where the seats are now. Your gains would be fairly minimal.

Thanks for the info! It was mostly because the entire time I've had her I've only used the 3rd row twice for people...

I think perhaps removing the 2nd row instead would be better for space? Just an after thought...

Thanks for the info! It was mostly because the entire time I've had her I've only used the 3rd row twice for people...

I think perhaps removing the 2nd row instead would be better for space? Just an after thought...
Do you have a 2nd row bench or buckets? The bench 40/60 is fairly easy to remove

60/40 Bench. I haven't looked at it, but I would think it would be pretty straight forward, no?

60/40 Bench. I haven't looked at it, but I would think it would be pretty straight forward, no?
It's not too hard, there are some hinges that can be a little tricky but it's straight forward

Do you have a 2nd row bench or buckets? The bench 40/60 is fairly easy to remove

60/40 Bench. I haven't looked at it, but I would think it would be pretty straight forward, no?

Is it a 60/40 bench, given that he's got 3rd row? I thought those were a split-in-thirds bench, with 3rd row access on the outside seats.

Just the passenger side has access to the rear. It tucks and rolls giving access. The buckets give access on both sides

I seem to recall access from the driver's side - but I haven't used it in awhile. I know the passenger side folds but don't remember if it lifts up for access. It is,indeed, a 60/40 or something close to that.

Sorry for the silence on my part everyone.

The 2nd row is a 60/40 split and both (driver and passenger) sides can lift up to allow access to the 3rd row. That is why I think it is fairly simple to unbolt those from the floor and remove them through the back door.

My initial question was about the 3rd row, but it seems I would get more for my time and effort by removing the 2nd row instead. If I need to start a new thread let me know, just in case someone else is looking for answers.

So are you trying to sleep back there or gain storage Space? I'm having trouble with not having enough space with all the seats laid flat in terms of storage. I've hauled some big things home that way.
And you have a roof rack Right? The crossbars aren't that expensive if yours doesnt have them.

The main reason would be for some extra storage lower to the floor. The seats themselves fold completely flat if I want to sleep in the back, I've got a twin mattress back there before just fine.

What color is you interior? Any interest in trading?
