Removing tailgate labels... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing tailgate labels...

I want to take off both emblems off the rear door (FORD and EXPLORER xlt)...

Does anyone know how to do it without scratching the paint? I was thinking heatgun, worked pretty good to take the dealer decal off... Also, once I take em off - what is the best way (yet, economical) to have the holes filled? I am not even sure yet how many holes will be there... I heard somewhere that FORD label is held by two studs, and EXPLORER is all tape, is that true? W0uld think each one has 2 holes for positioning at the factory...

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they also have the little holes you are thinking they have. mine are filled with metal- which isn't cheap, but bondo plus a big system and cold winters and bumpy roads just didn't seem like a great idea. i think there were a total of 4 or 5 little holes.


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Did you fill them yourself, or got it done somewhere? painted over the top?

i just took off my emblems last week.... keeps people guessing as to what my vehicle is.... :) the ford emblem has 3 holes and the explorer emblem has 2 holes..... i took them off by first spraying into them with carb cleaner..... then pried them off rather easily with a screwdriver... however, i am not too worried about the paint surface.... the small holes in the gate that it leaves are the least of my trucks problems...... i dont think i marred the paint or dented it in any way htough......

i paid for it. i was having a insurance covered repair done and i paid an extra 40 bucks to do this instead or restoring back to stock.

on my 96 - same as you 97....

there are 3 holes under the EXPLORER emblem and I believe 3 holes under the ford emblem

The EXPLORER emblem is just double sided tape....

but the ford emblem is bolted on front the inside.

I just finished welding my holes in 2 weeks ago. I am also doing everything else on my gate (t handle, wiper, key hole)..... im in the process now of filling and sanding... hopefully this will be finished this weekend along with priming.

On my '01 the explorer and xlt emblems on the rear, and the xlt emblems on the front doors were attached with just some glue material, while the ford emblems on the front and rear had holes in them... for those I just bought some color matched painted ford logos. While a lot of people probably wont notice the red ford logo, I think it helps to clean up the suv.
