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Repair manual


April 30, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Östersund, Jamtland
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT 4.0 aut

Iv'e bought a haynes repair manual yesterday, and guess if I was disappointed. What I really want was deeper insight and some diagrams of the transfer case and the automatic gearbox, but nothing... nothing about the built in alarm either.

I guess that the book works fine for more ordinary service, but I'm not satisfied ;)

Does anyone know about a excelent repair manual, is chilton better i.e more technical.

If possible anwer with isbn no, thow I'm from Sweden and it makes it easier to find it.

Oh I almost forgot, I have a -95 Ford Explorer

Thanks ahead


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chiltons and haynes are about the same, each have their own little differences... but i would suggest a factory service amnual... i have one for my toyota, and it actually details how to disassemble the manual and auto trannies, what tools are needed to rebuild them and has step by step pictures and drawings.....

I agree that Chilton and Haynes are the same. Check ebay for factory service manuals. YOu can buy them in CD format for < $10. Do an ebay search on 'ford explorer service manual'.

So the "1995 FORD EXPLORER RANGER SERVICE REPAIR MANUAL ON CD" will be the right thing to buy?, does that include "step by step pictures and drawings....." of the transfer case?

If so, it's perfect..


The Ford service CD from E-bay that you want will be for Ford Trucks 1995. It doesn't have pictures but does have drawings and step by step details on removal, installation, and troubleshooting of every thing on your Explorer. It took me a few hours before I was able to find my way around the CD, but I can now find anything. You can also print-out the procedures you find on the CD.

Pricey but they are the official ford service manuals, you may also see them on ebay now and than
