Replace the engine? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replace the engine?


New Member
August 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Hickory, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
Well, I was having heat issues and check gauge issues. I took it to the ford dealership and this is what I was told was wrong:

Lower end bearings out
Head gaskets blown
Timing chains rattling

Dealership wants to replace the entire engine. With labor included, the grand total is right about $6,000. Can this be fixed without the engine? Please help! =(

(This is on a 2003 Ford Explorer XLT 4WD V6. 103,000 miles.)

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Is that a quote for a new engine or a rebuilt engine?

New engine. I was quoted something like $4,400 for the engine, $1,500 for 18 hours of labor.

For a dealership, that actually sounds like a fair price but get some quotes from other shops in your area, I think you can get a much better price if you shop around.

you can get a way better price if you shop around. i had to replace the engine in my 02 mounty and i found an engine at a parts yard with 10k miles on it for 1300. then labor to install it was around 500.

Wow, with all that all you get is overheating and the occasional light?

No klunk?

Have you considered looking on ebay and searching within a hundred mile radius for an engine, or one of those part finding services?

Get an engine cheap, if that's really what it needs, then take it to a shop.


WTF??? engine going bad with only 100K? I hope this isn't an issue like on the early 4.2v6 in my van.

A friend of mine has a 96 explorer with over 300k original engine and transmission. This is the type of service i expect out of a modern engine.

4.0 SOHC is know for timing chain issues.

I concur with everyone else, if you shop around you should be able to find a decent used engine for cheap.

Using I just found a 4.0L from an 03 Ex 4wd with 27K miles on it for $750. I also found another one from an 03 Ex w/ 14K on it for $1000 (and yes, I searched in NC). Those are both basically new motors.

I mean, hell for $6000 you can get another ex with lower miles.
