Replaced front calipers, NOW brake light on 99 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replaced front calipers, NOW brake light on 99 Explorer


June 28, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Toledo, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT

I replaced the front calipers on my girlfriend's 99 Explorer.. I replaced the hoses as well.. New pads/rotors, you get what I'm saying..

Things came apart okay, went back together okay.. Used 'loaded' Morse rebuilt calipers-- Wagner hoses, Valvoline Syntec brake fluid.. I used 'speedbleeder' type check valve bleeders.. Spent my time, and bled till the fluid came BACK looking like it came in.. (The stuff there was pretty damn ugly-- and I'm wondering if this may be the "issue..")

Tires back on, pump the brakes a few times, to get the pads "close.." Start the engine-- the brake light doesn't go out..

The ABS light does the test cycle, then goes off.

The parking brake wasn't engaged-- the pads are gone anyway, I need to do that 'next....'

There's fluid in the reservoir.

The brakes ALL appear to be working.. Pedal 'feel' is normal, it's not hitting the floor. I didn't MASH it to the floor when I was bleeding it...

I found the bleeder valve on the master cylinder, bleed some MORE fluid out there..

Nope.. Nothing changed.. :shoot:

I was guessing it was either something that upset the Anti-lock system, or maybe I bumped the proportioning valve..

I took it out-- up to 40mph and did a few (3-4) hard stops..

You're guessing nothing changed, right?? Good-- bonus points for you.. :bounce:

Did that sludgey nasty brake fluid do something bad??

Any ideas on what to do next?? Again, there's no problems with stopping..

Sigh-- I'd just like to be done..


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i'm kinda confused on what your problem is.
Is it that your brake light doesn't turn off?
If so try resetting the computer by disconnecting the battery for a good 30 mins should remove the code

check fluid in master cylinder


The brake warning light on the dash won't go out..

I didn't think there was anything ECM controlled in that system, with exception of the ABS pump/sensors..

aj rn

my guess is your brake fluid level switch is "fubarred"

As mentioned-- the fluid level is fine.. While I don't think there is any communication between the primary (non-abs) braking and any of the computers, I did disconnect the battery yesterday (ALL DAY), leaving the ignition switch on for several hours.. Reconnecting it changed nothing.

The fluid level itself is not an issue..

I took it around the block, 40 to zero panic stopped it 4 times. No issues-- straight stops, decent distance...

budwich-- you mentioned the fluid level sensor.. Is there a way to test that?? Is the switch normally open/closed-- is just checking for continuity going to get me anywhere??

I don't like driving a vehicle with idiot lights on-- they do serve a purpose, even if it's to late to be of much value.. :roll:

Let me know if anyone else has thoughts.. I'm going to order the emergency brake pads today.. I guess not having a WORKING brake warning light, has made fixing those a priority.. :rolleyes:


the switch throws a ground (of course) causing the light to light... should be easy to test for


It went out today.. So It's now a done deal........

BTW-- while I'm on the subject, where's a good place to get the caliper mounting bolts??

