replaced rear bearing, tire still wobbles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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replaced rear bearing, tire still wobbles


New Member
July 28, 2012
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2002 Explorer Limited
My first post here, but I have learned a lot from this forum!

My problem (hopefully simple) is I just replaced my rear bearing on a 2002 Explorer limited (V8)
prior to changing the bearing I could wobble the tire all around, like the the many youtube videos I watched, so I assumed it was most likely the bearing.

Well I bought a new bearing and had it pressed, put it all back together, but the tire still wobbles just like it did before.
Is it possible that the bearing was not the problem, or, most likely the bearing was not put in properly, or possilby a bad bearing?

Thanks for the help!

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Is it just the hub or is the knuckle moving?
How much is it moving?
What does the ball joint look like?
What noise was it making?

But yes I have had a "bad" bearings before but I have have pressed it in wrong :banghead:

the noise sounded like a bad bearing. the wheel was actually tilted/crooked after driving it a bit.
the brake drum is really loose as well, but the calipers feel tight.
I will check out the hub (I will pull the knuckle off this morning).

I will let you know what I come up with.
Thanks for the reply!

arm bushing worn and moving or toe link.

well, the new bearing fell apart. I guess I should not buy the cheap one...
Bought a Moog and will put it in tommorrow and see how it goes.

I originally bought the 36.00 o'reilly's bearing
Went to the moog

Sorry to hear that but at least you can fix it easy as it is always easier the second time :banghead:. Just so you know most (including me) have learned the same way and now only use timken.

Be careful pressing the hub into the bearing it is very easy to destroy the bearing at that point but it may still look fine.

well, I am pretty sure I have a bad knuckle. Replaced the bearing with the moog. bearing still seems great, no sounds at all, but the wheel still wobbles. They guy that is helping me (ASA certified and a lot of experience) said it pretty much has to be the knuckle. that the bearing appears to fit, but the knuckle must have an issue (uneven) that isn't visible.

I did drive it for quiet awhile with a bad bearing. He said that could have caused wear on the knuckle.

well, I am pretty sure I have a bad knuckle. Replaced the bearing with the moog. bearing still seems great, no sounds at all, but the wheel still wobbles. They guy that is helping me (ASA certified and a lot of experience) said it pretty much has to be the knuckle. that the bearing appears to fit, but the knuckle must have an issue (uneven) that isn't visible.

I did drive it for quiet awhile with a bad bearing. He said that could have caused wear on the knuckle.


whats it doing can you see free play in the wheel?

if you got play in the wheel, check the lower arm bushing, is it moving? or are the toe link. that rod that goes across from the center to the knuckle....

The knuckle is just a hunk of cast, unless it is cracked in half then I don't see how the knuckle could be bad, I guess the raceway that the bearing is pressed into could be bad but you would know it when you pressed it in.

I agree with waskly get the truck in the air and see what is going on look at the toe link ball joint and bushing.

Did you use a new hub or did you just replace the bearing?

I only replaced the bearing. I didn't replace the hub. that was my thought too. since the knuckle is cast iron, I should be able to see any damage (crack, warp, etc).

the lower arm bushing and toe link seem solid with no movement that I could see, or produce.

I also forgot to mention that there was a small ring or lip that came off of the knuckle when we first took it apart. I forgot all about that ring until I went to look for a socket and saw it sitting there.

So the knuckle did not move just the tire? If that is the case it can only be the bearing or hub. I never replaced just the bearing without a hub I would not think that would be a problem but you never know.

I have no idea what the "small ring" could be, is it bigger or smaller then the bearing? Where did it come off?

My wild a$# guess without seeing it would be the bearing is not being installed correctly. As I said before it is easy to mess it up and it would give the problems you are having.

my guess he found the snap ring behind he bearing.

bearing and hub should both be new, if the hub is bent the wheel will spin crooked no play.

or rim bent, but you should not feel play, and yes, you can break the knuckle, but then it would just break into pieces.
