Replacing timing belt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing timing belt


September 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Calhoun, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport
I have 171,000 miles on my explorer and have not replaced the timing belt yet. I am wanting to change this myself to save some money. I have timed 4 stroke four wheelers before, I know about making sure the #1 piston is at TDC on compression stroke. #1 piston being the first piston on the right side. What should I watch out for? I understand that if I do not time it exactly right that I will have to buy a new timing belt and I cannot reuse the old one since it had been stretched.

If you are talking about your 95 Explorer forget it. No timing belt on the X. Just 2 timing chains on the V6. As far as I know I have not heard of people having problems breaking or throwing these chains. So the good news is that you have more free time on your hands now :).


mikeh said:
If you are talking about your 95 Explorer forget it. No timing belt on the X. Just 2 timing chains on the V6. As far as I know I have not heard of people having problems breaking or throwing these chains. So the good news is that you have more free time on your hands now :).


Actually, the '95 4.0 is still an OHV, so it only has one timing chain (the OHC has two), but either way, you don't need to worry about changing it.
