resale value...? is it easy too take off.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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resale value...? is it easy too take off..


Active Member
May 10, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Farmington CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XLT
Yes, I realize there will be a very sad moment in the future where I will have to sell my x but what is it like selling a lifted explorer? I'm sure you dont get half of what you put in but I'm just curious. I'll be getting Dead Link Removed first and the following 2.5" Base suspension lift. I was wondering, once I have these on there, if the buyer doesnt want the truck lifted or I dont, am i screwed? What I mean is can I turn back and just get it back to stock height if I have all the old parts? thanks for your time guys, I just wanna make sure before I make this investment ( since I'm only 17 )

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First... I don't think it would be worth your effort to get it back to stock height.

Second... I think it is hard to say what it will do to the value, yes you will have more in it than you will get back, but it might still be worth the same as a stock height X in the same condition.

Just ask yourself will I enjoy what I put into it in the time I have it?

so doing that much to it would be hard to take off? hmm, maybe just taking off one of those things?

It would probably be just as hard to take off as it was to put on if not harder after you wheel it a little!

If you got one and just opted for the shackles and coil spacers (early model) or Torsion Twist (newer model) That would not be hard to reverse. Body lift might not be that hard to reverse either.

Trust me though once you go that far you won't be able to stop. It is an addiction, you will always find things to change.

yea but locally, its hard to find a place to go bashing..and the infamous berlin turnpike is close to me and i *happen* to like goin fast :] this is just my first car and want to make it more fun..I plan on getting a bimmer down the road..e36 m3 hopefully

Why not get a 2 wheel drive and lower it 1.5 - 2 inches put stronger sway bars on it and make a street ride out of it if you are into driving hard on the road. (just be careful)

im 17..its too late to get a second car now does alright but people would laugh if i wanted to race this.. but the suspension mods seem more smart and cheaper than engine mods right now

wasn't paying attention to the fact that you already had a 94!
