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I Drive By Brail
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 18, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Montrose, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Bronco '80 Toy
I had the time of my life yesterday. Took my X down to Clayton, OK for the Sam's Offroad Novice Run. I ran with a fairly large groop (18) that consisted of mainly Jeeps, one Toyota FJ-40 (Land Cruiser), a IFS Toyota pickup (with a small block Chevy), a TRD Toyota Tacoma and me in my X. We ran (for thoes that know the aera) K-line, Buss line and Timber line trails. K-line was more of a fire road than a trail (but it did have several hills with deep washouts). We went down Buss line wich is a steep :eek: down hill covered in loose rocks about the size of basketballs (major fun). Then (after a wrong turn and a 30 minute detour) we went and watched the loonies play on Three Stage. Yes, Gerald I chickened out! After watching the Tacoma (running 32's) make it (to everyone's amazement) I knew my front bumper was too low to clear the wall. After Three Stage we ran Timber line. This was the most challenging and fun trail of the day. It is a trail with lots of trees and rock gardens. I made it through with only a few scratches and wrinkled pinch seam. Got some picks of my X flexin it up in one of the washouts that I'll post as soom as they get developed.

We would have stayed and run Sunday morning, but I got a cold :( and decided not to camp out another night. But even though I got sick and had to cut it short I still had a blast.

The best part of the weekend was when one of the guy's in the group on Timber line (driving a Jeep) said "I can't believe you just did that in a street car."
What does he know! :D

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sounds really really fun!

Glad to hear you had fun! Also glad to hear that you got a jeeper to respect the ford's :D One more down, millions to go!!

Glad to hear you had a great time. I didn't want to ruin your plans, but I knew that a 4dr Explorer with 31" tires wouldn't make it up 3 stage, no way; it will take 33's or you will high-center. Even after you get the big tires your vehicle will still go sideways left into the wall depending on traction no matter what and you have to plan on how to deal with that.

It's fun to show the Jeepers we can do something, huh? Timberline is the first Clayton run I went on that shocked the local Jeepers and showed 'em what an Explorer can do!


Wrong Turn?

I did the wrong turn thing there too. Except it was a 4 hour delay and turned into a 4+ rated trail. Gerald earned the name "Jeep Eater" from the j**p group we were with on that run. A really fun outing.

I had a J**p buddy at the Novice run this year. He relly wanted me to go with him, but time constraints kept me at home.

Glad you enjoyed it.
