Rocker/Dog Leg Repair on 1994 explorer 2 door | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rocker/Dog Leg Repair on 1994 explorer 2 door

I know this question has probably been posted several times already but I'm gonna ask it again. Does anyone know where to find the rear section( dogleg) for a 2 door, or is there no such piece? m Also im in need of repair of the rest of the rocker panel. The Problem is there is not much of a seam left to go on. So would a new rocker piece for the (2 dr) work, or would I need to do some more fabricating to rebuild the inner seam? Thanks For All Of You Folks' help.

I know this question has probably been posted several times already but I'm gonna ask it again. Does anyone know where to find the rear section( dogleg) for a 2 door, or is there no such piece? m Also im in need of repair of the rest of the rocker panel. The Problem is there is not much of a seam left to go on. So would a new rocker piece for the (2 dr) work, or would I need to do some more fabricating to rebuild the inner seam? Thanks For All Of You Folks' help.

I never did find a dogleg for a 2 door (besides cutting one out of a donor vehicle). I ended up fabricating my own.
