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Rocker Panel Replacement


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
Hello, my rocker panels have rotted to the point of no return and need to be cut out and replaced, I know they sell replacement rocker panels and am looking for suggestions on some good ones.

I saw the ones on ebay and on summit racing and am kind of confused as which ones would be best to get the job done.

Thanks in advance for any help with this thread :chug:

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Thanks for the reply, I am thinking about the ones on ebay, have to check out the rock auto ones. I am going to have a friend who is a welder spot weld them in, after cutting out all of the old rust.

Sounds like a good plan to me!

I had to resort to using my angle grinder with a cut-off wheel to cut out all of the rusted metal. My dad acquired my sawzall somehow (usually it's the other way around!). It was do-able but if you can get your hands on a sawzall I would recommend it.

Good luck!

wow that kind of surprising I definately thought the angle grinder with the cut off wheel would be quicker.

I have decided to buy the Sherman replacement rocker panels from rock auto they are like $20 a piece, Summit has the same ones for $55 each?? They come unfinished but I will prime & paint them before installation. They go back and touch them up, it doesn't have to look perfect for me.

Thanks for the tips.

I went through two (or three... I kind of forget) discs while doing my last Explorer. I helped a buddy with his and the Sawz-all seemed to be a little easier (with a helping hand) and didn't break any blades.

This is also my personal experience. If you are more comfortable with an angle grinder then use that. Both tools will get the job done :thumbsup:

Let us know how it turns out.

They come unfinished but I will prime & paint them before installation. They go back and touch them up, it doesn't have to look perfect for me.

Thanks for the tips.

Wouldn't it be easier to just paint them once after they are welded on instead of painting then having to remove paint to weld then having to paint where the welding heat ruined the paint around it too? I don't know, am just speculating.

Wouldn't it be easier to just paint them once after they are welded on instead of painting then having to remove paint to weld then having to paint where the welding heat ruined the paint around it too? I don't know, am just speculating.

I'll second that. It would be less work to weld them in and then paint.
