Rockford Fosgate Subs.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rockford Fosgate Subs....


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2001
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City, State
Santa Clara, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT 4x4
I have the opportunity to buy 2 15" Rockford Fosgate Punch HX2 Subs for $200. I know this is a good deal, but are these good subs? This is in my price range.....

Please shed some light on the difference between the punch and power RFs? which are better?

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I had the HX2 12" punch's and I LOVED them. For that price, you cant go wrong.

I have the HE2 15's and I love them. With a MTX Thunder 500 they hit a 144 and I am nowhere setup for competition. So I know they have more potential than that.

I'm not a big fan of Rockford Fosgate, but I listened to some 12" HX2's and they hit hard and sound good! You will be really happy with 15's if you build the correct box. I used to think 15's were just for SPL, but I've heard some in good setups where they sounded amazing.
As for your question about the punch/punch power, the punch powers are better, but not by much. The power's heatsink is coated in solartex for greater heat dissipation, Plus, that silver color is awesome looking! Other than that, there's not a whole lot of difference.

Thanks guys, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a rip-off, so I think I'm gonna go for it. I think we'll go with a sealed box opposed to ported because of the volume thing... unless anyone has heard RFs sounding better in one box that the other?

Those RFs will DEFINITELY sound louder in a vented/ported box. I'm sure of that. Also, the bass will hit lower.

he HX2s are great. a vented box will really let em pound. they still sound good in a sealed box, but if you really want them to play at their potential then port it.


This is what Rockford Fosgate shows for a recomended box for that sub. They have a cool setup on their site that has alot of info on building systems.

i just got a whole new set up, and rewired the whole vehicle. pain in the you know what, i got a new punch hx2 15" in a sealed enclosure, it hits hard down low, but "maxxes" out prety quick, i think cuz the enclosure is only 2.2 cu ft or something, its a peice of crap, by R/T. the first time i really hung the sub out it blew the terminal cup outta the back! When i get it in a vented box, made by me! i will be much happier, all in all its a great sub, im gonna get a few more though.

oh yeah i had to shell out $230 for mine!!!!i wish i got the hook-ups you guys do.
