Rockford or Chicago Driveline? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rockford or Chicago Driveline?


Explorer Addict
September 27, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer XLT AWD 5.0L
anybody heard of/had experience with Rockford Drivelines (, or Chicago Driveline (
Since winter time is comin, need to get a front d/s back into my Sploder, and don't want to use that damned POS CV shaft... they both make conversion plates to use a double-cardan joint instead.
Or where else could I look?

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winter be a comin... :burnout:

Call Matt at Attitude Performance (Elk Grove Village)... he knows a place that does that and even wanted to use one in my Sport. I have no idea if it's Chicago or Rockford though. He did most of the work on my sploders in the past so I assume he knows at least one of these companies.

here ya go:
Attitude Performance

well it's a negative on High Angle Driveline... they want $495.

:eek: For a 2-joint shaft!?

I could build one and ship it cross-country for that!

You do know you could wind up with a vibration if you do this though, right?

Just realized your in AK! Call us, we can build one!

Six States Soldotna 1-877-925-9177, Bryan

why would you want to go this route anyway? people usually go smaller...

Dre said:
why would you want to go this route anyway? people usually go smaller...

huh? smaller?

Racerx70, you by chance happen to be on the alaska4x4network boards?

and yes.. a 2-joint shaft. I got a reply from Chicago Driveline saying it will cause vibration issues... so maybe a double-carden is what's needed. Regardless, I need a flange to bolt to the t-case. Or atleast get rid of that POS ball-and-cage style CV-joint
