Rough idle when cold fix | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rough idle when cold fix


August 20, 2011
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1997 explorer 4.0 auto
Probably already been covered but thought i would post this after a day under the bonnet !

i had the problem of my truck idleing between 500 and 2000 rpm ! when cold
sometimes dropping so low it would almost stall, so today i decided to try and resolve this having read a few posts on here,
i started by taking off the engine cover and removing the idle air control valve
(IAC) and checking to see if it was clogged, it wasn't :rolleyes: so back to square 1, scratched my head abit and thought a little

so i decided to take the whole air intake system off, after removing the air filter and box, the air flow meter,air pipes and main air intake tube,and throttle body !, i noticed something odd, the whole of the system was covered in what i can only describe as wet brake dust :thumbdwn: i was really puzzled by this as ive owned the truck nearly two years and the problem only started a few weeks ago, and ive never seen this sludge before when i changed the air filter, anyway heres what i did,

I took all the parts i'd removed and covered them in engine degreaser, then scrubed and cleaned them thuroughly before washing them all off with a jet wash, once they had dried off completly (several hours that i painstakingly lounged around in the sunshine) i reffited them all ensuring as i did so all parts were dry (this is important !)
the result was that when i started up my truck it sounded awfull and belched out lots of white smoke and water :( i was about to cry when the revs rocketed and a big cloud off grey smoke shot out of the exhaust and hey presto all was well again :D

have tried the car two or three times again today and can say that it starts and idles fine, it runs smoother and the throttle response is sooo much better , what a result !

not sure if this will help others but it has certainly made a huge difference to my explorer, so might be worth a try if you have the same issue and iac valve isnt your problem :thumbsup:

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Thanks for posting this.. Now you gave me something else to try for my cold start issue!

I will let you now.


thats not the fix .....chime back in when the problem arises again and i will help you .

c'mom joe doe! If you know something about how to fix this apparently common problem, spit it out. Do you want us to beg?

well i wanted to see if his problem returned ,which i am sure it will .
the common cold idle issue is related to the upper intake orings which shrink with age and allow air to pass by them when cold ,resulting in a bad cold idle that clears up when the engine warms up .
when the engine warms up these orings swell and start sealing again and idle will return to normal .
sometimes this issue will throw a lean code as well once it gets bad enough .
do a forum search for lean codes or upper intake orings and read up .

gotta run ,catch ya

re: intake o-rings fix. Okay, this fix sounds reasonable and I plan to replace my upper and lower o-rings soon hoping this solves this annoying problem. What I don't get is how the o-rings can seal after the engine has run for only 5 seconds. On a restart it's fine. Surely no measureable heat has built up in that short a period of run-time. Maybe it's at least partially vacuum related...

well this isnt your thread and i dont know your symptoms or what you have experienced .if your problem only persists for a few seconds and your not getting any codes i would surely wait until the problem is more prominent .

when it gets bad enough to throw a lean code then its time .my truck had well over 100k on it when i done mine .
