Rubber floormats (Ford or aftermarket) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rubber floormats (Ford or aftermarket)


Well-Known Member
July 12, 2009
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Kingsport, Tennessee
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2006 Explorer Limted V8
My stepson who works at a junkyard found these for me the other day. I can't find anything on the back saying they are a Ford part. Are they aftermarket, dealer option, etc.?

They cleaned up nice. These will come in handy this winter catching snow off my shoes.


I also found a carpeted mat for the cargo area that does say Ford on the back but it was in too bad of shape to put in my Explorer. So it's now a mat under my bar chair at my computer out in my garage.

I ended up buying a Husky liner off Ebay for $60. Trouble is the guy said it was grey but when I got it, it was black. At least it's functional. Can't beat the price.

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I realize this is an old thread, but I may have somewhat of an answer. I have the exact same floor mats in my ranger, but they of course say Ranger. I got them from a Ford dealer in 2000 just after I bought the truck. If mine are any indication, they will last you a lifetime and a half. I wash mine with Bleech White while I'm washing my tires and they've stayed looking like brand new. I say either hang on to them for dear life OR send them to me if I decide to buy the sport trac I'm looking at. I'm actually glad to see someone else has them because I've never seen a set other than mine. Very rare, I guess. You don't see any identifying number or mark on them whatsoever do you?

Mann... I really want a set of them...

Willing to sell them, jseabolt? :p

I think I'll hold onto them. I used them last time I went to the beach and they held quite a bit of sand.

Tell the stepson to keep his eye out for a few more sets. For these mats, I'll pay shipping or take a road trip. In my opinion, they're that good!

I think those are factory Ford all-weather mats. I recently ordered an identical set for my 1997 Mountaineer on eBay. They look the same except of course for saying "Mountaineer." They were brand new, still in the Ford labeled box with Ford installation instructions. Cost was $30 plus $20 shipping. They were worth every penny.

If you want a set, check out eBay. I have seen multiple sets for Mountaineers on there as well as a few Explorer sets recently.

uhg I was at the u-pull-it and found a set of whether techs in a Explorer Sport and was gonna nab them on the way out but someone beat me to it:rolleyes:

- meh they weren't the right color anyway -
