Rubicon Trail Run June 2004 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rubicon Trail Run June 2004

hvac man

Elite Explorer
November 30, 2002
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City, State
Rifle, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Sport
Hi everyone-

My wife and I would like to know if anyone is interested in paying homage to one of the most famous trails in the world. We will be out on the west coast next summer and want to run the Rubicon along with any other trails we may encounter. We have wanted to run it since we started wheeling. I would like to envite anyone who would like to spend 2-3 days on the trail to come run it with us. We don't know anyone who lives out that direction and would love to have some company on a few trail rides. If anyone is interested please post here and we'll go from there. Talk to you later.


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My brother and I would love to run it sometime next summer. Depending on who and when we may be interested.

Clint I'm game. But again that depends on many things. But at this point sounds good to me! We (should) have plenty of time to get preped.

That was the key to posting this run early. I hope we get a few people. I am really looking forward to camping out somewhere other than here in Colorado :)

I do want to say however that if you go you are prepared for 2-3 days on a very remote trail. Other than that everyone should be prepared for a mostly relaxing and scenic 4 wheeling trip :)

Woo hoo! Let's go!

Hummmm, it might be time to set things right:mad: :shoot: :fire:


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Ranger X also mentioned going back to the Rubicon soon...I would be interested as long as my list of truck mods gets taken care of as sliders, 35's, and a cage :)

If so I am game.......

i have wanted to wheel out there so bad, if i get my new engine by that time i will definitely drag the gf out there

I just wanted everyone to go to the thread about the MOAB trail being in danger and express to the feds your concern that it might get closed. Thanks guys! if you get this rubicon trip together im in!


I am game for that. Once again, I can't give a deffinate yet as my lovely Navy schedule is ever changing. However, if I am in the continental US at the time, I will be there.

Look me up when you come out here and i'd like to come along/show/help whatever. I don't post on here much, Mostly on and But Rubicon is my backyard, i live less than an hour from loon lake :D

if nothing else, my house is close enough to leave broken rigs at so i can part them out for ya :p


If it is needed, would it be possible to leave my tow vehicle and trailer there while on the trail for a couple of days?

Originally posted by Diff Whack Daddy
If it is needed, would it be possible to leave my tow vehicle and trailer there while on the trail for a couple of days?

yeah especially if it's a better tow rig than mine... i'll be sure to take real good care of it for ya ;)

I assume you want to leave it somewhere so you can run the whole trail out to homewood and run pavement back to your tow rig?

I live in the Georgetown area btw :D

I am not too sure about how the trail is being run, I just wanted to make sure that they are still wherever I left them when I get off the trail. At a campsite or what not they are an easy target, but at someones home, they atleast have an eye on them, if you know what I mean.

P.S. Tow rig is a 2000 Ford F350 Crewcab diesel.

Ah sweet well I may be up for this, but it will all depend on my work. They really hate to give time off during the summer months since it is when over 75% of our work is done for the year.

Here is my criteria for this trip. If for some reason I can't get my axle swaps and driveline swap done by spring MOAB run then I will definitely be in for this run. But I will only be making one trip down to lower 48 this next year.

Originally posted by Diff Whack Daddy
I am not too sure about how the trail is being run, I just wanted to make sure that they are still wherever I left them when I get off the trail. At a campsite or what not they are an easy target, but at someones home, they atleast have an eye on them, if you know what I mean.

P.S. Tow rig is a 2000 Ford F350 Crewcab diesel.

I understand your concern... But just fyi, I have never had a problem leaving my tow rigs at the loon lake spillway. On a busy weekend there could be a hundred plus rigs n trailers sitting there. Unless you got something super special fancy I wouldn't worry too much about your rig being targeted. I think i always see some way over lifted pimped out rig and i'm sure those would be stolen/messed with first ;)

also alot of people leave tow rigs at ice house resort and loop back to it from hwy 50. This would be quite a bit shorter than leaving a tow at my place in georgetown. another option is to leave a tow rig in auburn (hwy 80) and drive the wheeler to g-town. then you would loop back through truckee to the trailer. just a thought.

I don't know the dates yet for '04... but TLCA does their annual 4-5 day long Rubithon Run in june. Probably will want to avoid the con during that time.

Anyways the offer stands for tow rig parking for ya'll...

someday i'll get my superduty :rolleyes:

Cool sounds like we might have a run going. I am shooting for the first or second week of june. My wifes cousin is getting married then so we're looking to kill two birds with one stone :)

If I can get my truck built in time I'll be there.
Maybe this will be the motivation I need.


Doing the Rubicon in early June can be IFFY - there will be lots of mud, deep water still on the trail. There is also the possibility of deep snow. Remember, it's in the Sierras. Also, don't forget the mosquitos - they will eat you alive (or try to)

Also, if you don't have rock sliders, and at least 33's, you will suffer major damage to the rockers, possible damage to your tranny crossmember, and will be using the skid plates alot.

As for tow rig parking, I have never had any problem when I parked at the Loon Lake trail head. There are two other places where you can park - they do charge you by the day though. It is a little bit safer - one is watched, the other is behind a fence (I'm told)

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Cool! I'll keep up with this thread.
I may be able to pull off doing another Rubicon trip but probably not; I've already just did that this year and it's a helluva long way from SC.

Random thoughts:

The Rubicon is the most fun I've ever had fourwheeling.

It is not a "2 or 3" day run. It is a full 3 days.

Aaron, it would be good to meet you. You may not remember me, but long ago before I realized how stupid it was to post something non-extreme on the POR board, I posted my grocery-getter and you let me have it :D and I got defensive, LOL. It's been awhile but I finally did build it enough make it to the trail though :). I'd love to meet anyone who has a vehicle that he's still making payments on beat the helloutta it like you did :D.

I second what Tom said and will add an aditional note or two, June is too early. When we went right after the July 4th weekend the weather was perfect.

Lockers and rocksliders are not a luxury but a necessity for an Explorer on the Rubicon - if you do not have rocksliders, you are absolutely 100% guaranteed to totally destroy your rocker panels. You must have at least one locker; and even with that you'll probably get strapped a few times. It really takes a rig with both axles locked to fully enjoy the trail. If many of the vehicles have only one locker and you want to take on the trail when it is a little easier, consider waiting until right after the Jeeper Jamboree and take advantage of all of the rockstacking that is done during that.

This next point hasn't been specifically mentioned yet after we learned it last July, so I'll post it here. There is a difference in what it takes to do the Rubicon for a 1st generation and a 2nd generation Explorer. It has been said several times that you need 33" tires. That is true for 1st generation Explorers, but if you have a 2nd generation you need 35" tires (unless you've done a SAS). With lockers, lift, and 33's, a first generation Explorer will do fine. The problem with 2nd generation Explorers is that even with a 4" lift kit, there are still torsion drop brackets that kill your breakover angle and will hang you constantly on that trail. Ray Lobato has the 4" Traimaster lift, 33's, and no front locker; and he hung up countless times on the run, I cannot recall how many times he needed a strap. I had less suspension lift than he did (just the torsion twist), but my 35" tires made just enough difference to keep my stock torsion brackets higher than Ray's. With those tires and a front locker I did the entire trail without once getting strapped.

You, or certainly someone in your group, will break. Come completely prepared with spare axleshafts U-joints EVERYTHING you can load, and if your vehicle has a known weakness - something that has went wrong before - fix it before you arrive (before I went, I had gone through two thermostats, one broken torsion bar, one U-Joint, and one hub assembly. I had spares for all of those, plus both front halfshafts since I had gone to 35" tires and a front locker). And for the same reason, a huge group will take forever to finish the trail. If this turns into a huge run, you might consider starting together, but soon the need will arise to split up into faster and slower groups of 7 or so vehicles each. The more capable group could enjoy theirselves at their level and arrive earlier at a pre-arranged camping area to set up camp for those following, etc. I don't know where I am going with that thought, but just trying to say that IMO a group of 15+ vehicles will experience something or another to stop the group constantly and add at least an entire additional day onto the trip, and bring the possibility of adding a level of frustration to what should be the most fun you've ever had in 4wd. If the group gets large and you want to keep it together, budget an extra day on the trail.

The Rubicon is the fourwheeling trip of your life; plan it well to get the most out of it and make it the enjoyably great experience it can be. :)
