ruff country | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ruff country


Explorer Addict
March 21, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 xlt
will the ruff country 4" lift for a 83-97 ranger fit a 91 explorer?
id rather buy the cheaper kit with the blocks and do soa. but then the back would be about 1.5"-2" higher right?
with 2" coil spacers that would fix that, but theyre pretty expensive. im only saving $120 this way.
would brand new springs be the better option overall? since they were installed under the axle for a reason

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Yes, it will fit. rangers, BIIs and Explorers all use the same kits for the front axle. and yes, SOA would be your best option in the back. Keep in mind that the RC lift is notorious for getting in fights with the front differential. and the diff always loses. So the RC kit is not recommended for much more than mallcrawling or light wheeling.

yea i dont do any off roading really. i like puddles of mud but thats about it.

also, how benificial is a steering stablizer? 30s currently, i only plan on 33s at the most, stock gears which i have 3.55 i think
its only $50, but if i can save there too, thats good

steering stabilizers are a band aid for these trucks. meaning, they don't fix the problem, they only mask it. the problem is that the steering geometry is crooked once you lift the TTB. to make it correct, you need to bring it back down so it's flat again. So instead of a stabilizer, spend the money on the proper drop pitman arm to make your steering links flat.
