Running Boards - DeeZee and Others | Page 23 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I has some EGR running boards installed on mine, they look great because they look like they are stock. They are alot less noticable in person as they blend so well and even though some review say they dont leave much space for your foot, we dont seem to have a problem using them.

I ordered mine online at and got a 20% discount but you can shop around if you'd like.




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2016 Explorer

They look great!, to confirm, this is a 2016 Explorer?

They look great!, to confirm, this is a 2016 Explorer?

Sorry, I dont know if they will fit a 2016 as they were made for 2011-2015, I seamed to overlook the year. But from the looks of things the 2016s seam to have the same shape as the earlier models in those areas.

Sorry, I dont know if they will fit a 2016 as they were made for 2011-2015, I seamed to overlook the year. But from the looks of things the 2016s seam to have the same shape as the earlier models in those areas.
I like your style of running boards. I did some research and they will fit the 2016, so I'll probably go with these when my 2016 is delivered. I also like the end caps. Very nice photos. Thanks a lot.

What make are they? Disregard, I see you posted the make above.

I like your style of running boards. I did some research and they will fit the 2016, so I'll probably go with these when my 2016 is delivered. I also like the end caps. Very nice photos. Thanks a lot.

Post some pics when you get them installed.

Black ExSport w/ Deezee 16202

Thought I'd post some pics of my black 2014 ExSport w/ the deezee 16202 boards installed.



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Just curious as to whether or not you find those running boards a little slippery with the weather we've been enjoying? :) Looking good. :thumbsup:


Just curious as to whether or not you find those running boards a little slippery with the weather we've been enjoying? :) Looking good. :thumbsup:


Hi Peter,

I don't find them slippery. They actually have little rubber grommet looking things sticking up that probably help with traction.


You said the DeeZee had too much gap. What problem does the gap cause? I have Tublular Nerf Bars on my truck and there is a 3 inch gap there. Just curious if there is a problem with them or just the look.

Just the appearance. If you look at range rover, Acura MDX, or Highlander you'll notice nice tight fit. I think the EGRs are great though, just the drill bits in a new car mental issue I have but I'm happy with the ones from ebay. I'm hoping Ford makes the next gen EX (2016 largely cosmetic) more like the fit of the brands I mentioned.

Jack point clearance?

Folks, I “had” Dee Zee’s installed on my 2013 Sport, but just took them off this past weekend when I finally realized that the jack points are not accessible with the stock jack and these boards installed. Has anybody else encountered issues with their boards and accessibility of the jack points? The last thing I would have wanted is to have a flat and have to mangle the boards to get the truck off the ground.

Folks, I “had” Dee Zee’s installed on my 2013 Sport, but just took them off this past weekend when I finally realized that the jack points are not accessible with the stock jack and these boards installed. Has anybody else encountered issues with their boards and accessibility of the jack points? The last thing I would have wanted is to have a flat and have to mangle the boards to get the truck off the ground.
Welcome to the Forum.:wavey:


Step bars

I have been mulling over installing full length step bars on my Ex. I have found that they are useful in different ways as I have them on my Ranger which are the OEM ones. I'm considering a set from Westin and I wonder if any of you have gone down this road and what you installed on yours. Also, recommend a good set of spikes to adorn the leading edge. ;)

I had the Westin on my Tacoma for a long time with no issues. I'd love to get them on this truck to help my lil girls get in and out. Haven't really noticed anyone on here with them though, not that I've really looked to hard though.

I have been mulling over installing full length step bars on my Ex. I have found that they are useful in different ways as I have them on my Ranger which are the OEM ones. I'm considering a set from Westin and I wonder if any of you have gone down this road and what you installed on yours. Also, recommend a good set of spikes to adorn the leading edge. ;)
A 'Search' on "step bars" in the 'Modified' sub forum brought up this 23 page thread with which your thread has been merged. You can search it for your desired make.

'Search' is your friend.:thumbsup:


Heya ...... i recently upgraded from a 2013 to a 2016 explorer. I removed the Romik running boards and now want to put them onto my 2016 unfortunately once you put the bolts IN the original vehicle, you cant get them out again (or SO my hubby said); so i have all the mounting pieces apart from the 4 BOLTS you place IN the UNDERNEATH of the vehicle ..

My question is ... does anyone know who may sell a "decent" priced mounting kit for ROMIK ? ... OR, sell just the 4 bolts i need ?

Ive called around and most want $150.00 plus for the the WHOLE kit ... i just want the 4 bolts, which, of course, noone will sell me !! (Hubby also said, they are a "particular" bolt, so he cant just pick them up from home depot)

Thanks in advance for any help !!!

Heya ...... i recently upgraded from a 2013 to a 2016 explorer. I removed the Romik running boards and now want to put them onto my 2016 unfortunately once you put the bolts IN the original vehicle, you cant get them out again (or SO my hubby said); so i have all the mounting pieces apart from the 4 BOLTS you place IN the UNDERNEATH of the vehicle ..

My question is ... does anyone know who may sell a "decent" priced mounting kit for ROMIK ? ... OR, sell just the 4 bolts i need ?

Ive called around and most want $150.00 plus for the the WHOLE kit ... i just want the 4 bolts, which, of course, noone will sell me !! (Hubby also said, they are a "particular" bolt, so he cant just pick them up from home depot)

Thanks in advance for any help !!!

I'm assuming you did, but did you call Romik?

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I'm assuming you did, but did you call Romik?

Yup, $160.00 for the WHOLE kit .... i have the brackets; bolts, nuts that came off the vehicle with those ... just not the 4 that hold the actual brackets in place ... and still no luck anywhere else either ... :/

Ill keep lookin, googlin and phoning ... :) Thanks for your reply though !!
