RWD Front Brake question - Bearings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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RWD Front Brake question - Bearings


November 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Novi, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 SportTrac XLT 2WD
So I just changed my brakes on Wednesday afternoon, including replacing the inner and outer wheel bearings.

Thinking back, I realized that while I packed the bearings very well (I used a needle to insert the grease into the bearings), I just realized that I forgot to put a slight coat of grease on the spindle. The bearings and raceways were greased well.

When I removed the old grease, I just used a paper towel to wipe it off, so it is possible that some of that remained, however, I didn't add any more to the spindle.

Will I be ok, or should I take the time and undo everything I just did and put some grease on the spindle?

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Kelvarr;2977159I just realized that I forgot to put a slight coat of grease on the spindle. The bearings and raceways were greased well. When I removed the old grease said:

I would imagine there is a little residual grease film left on the spindle since you just wiped the old grease off with a paper towel, but if it were me and for my peace of mind, I would probably disassemble each wheel and grease the spindles good. I haven't owned a 2 wheel drive vehicle in 20 years, but I always greased up the spindles very well each time I greased the wheel bearings. Since you shouldn't have to re-grease the wheel bearings for at least another 2 years or so, I would do it just for that peace of mind.


I would imagine there is a little residual grease film left on the spindle since you just wiped the old grease off with a paper towel, but if it were me and for my peace of mind, I would probably disassemble each wheel and grease the spindles good. I haven't owned a 2 wheel drive vehicle in 20 years, but I always greased up the spindles very well each time I greased the wheel bearings. Since you shouldn't have to re-grease the wheel bearings for at least another 2 years or so, I would do it just for that peace of mind.

Why do you always mess with the code for the quotes? It makes everything harder to read???

Why do you always mess with the code for the quotes? It makes everything harder to read???

It doesn't make anything harder to read since I use the <<<<<>>>> arrow bars to seperate or border the other persons quote from my response. I do this when I multiple quote someones message or remove parts of their message that isn't required to quote. This sort of forum post ettiquette has been used in forums for years. Even though I don't owe you any response as to why I don't keep the quote tabs in a message, have I answered your questions here? BTW Triton, bigger things in the world to worry and complain about than my use or lack there of, of the quote tabs in posts.

Ouch, full moon in the making, you guys prep'ing for it? I have my movie popcorn out :).

It doesn't make anything harder to read since I use the <<<<<>>>> arrow bars to seperate or border the other persons quote from my response. I do this when I multiple quote someones message or remove parts of their message that isn't required to quote. BTW Triton, bigger things in the world to worry and complain about than my use or lack there of, of the quote tabs in posts.

You can do the same thing by just deleting parts of the quote. Like I did to your earlier message above.

I agree, at first, it made it difficult to read but I got used to looking for it whenever reading your posts. No big deal. And yes, years ago that was perfectly acceptable. Nowadays though you can take advantage of the progress made on the message boards and make life easier.:D

No big deal. And yes, years ago that was perfectly acceptable. Nowadays though you can take advantage of the progress made on the message boards and make life easier.:D

Exactly, it's no big deal, so why all the whining about it? At least I quote the persons message I am leaving a response to and that makes it easy to follow the comments being left by me, where many in here do not. Take a look through the message boards and you will see tons of messages left, where the person leaving a comment failed to quote the person they are leaving their comment for which makes it hard to follow who and what they are responding to. Happens all the time in here, no big deal to me, I'm use to it, yet I don't see any of you guys complaining to people about that since you are on the "make life easier" kick. BTW, in the post that I got called out for, for messing with the quote tabs, I left the quote tabs in that post, just added a few <<<<<<<<<<< bars at the end of the final quote tab out of habit. Also, I almost always leave the persons screen name from their quote in the message I leave, which identifies who I am responding to. Don't make a problem where there isn't one!
One other thing, rather than worry about me and the quote tabs, how about leaving the OP "Kelvarr" your personal advice on what he should do about re-greasing his bearing spindles, whether you think he should do it or not.

One other thing, rather than worry about me and the quote tabs, how about leaving the OP "Kelvarr" your personal advice on what he should do about re-greasing his bearing spindles, whether you think he should do it or not.

It would be much appreciated. Thanks!:)
