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Screwing Things Up


Elite Exploder
December 27, 2000
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2001, F150, XLT 4x4
I KNOW I am not the only one who sets out to do a simple modification that turns into a disater.... After trying to install a K&N on my Go-Ped and breaking the carb, I was just curious who else does things like this?

On a related note to screwing simlpe mods up, what about screwing simple actions up... My latest eye sore on the rear hatch. We were wheeling, and I stopped for a moment to grab my CB from the back. I open the tailgate, ignoring the tree branch. WHAM. A scratch that "even momma couldn't love" - about 1/4 wide, down to the primer it looks but I can't tell if it's just the clearcoat messed up. I mean, I saw the tree, I realized I'd have to be careful when I open it to not hit it, but for some reason, when I got to the back, my mind went blank and I opened it like I was in a parking lot somewhere. ARGH.
