Seals leaking on rear axle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seals leaking on rear axle


Well-Known Member
November 23, 2004
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Bismarck ND
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer SportTrac
I have the beautifulsight of diff oil dripping on the bottom of my rear brake disk,splattered inside of my rim, dripping down the tire. Ok..question...this is the outer most seal on my axle housing..Right? I ask because of statements made while buying seal that there are 2 seals on each side of axle.
I searched forums and :confused: ...any links would be nice :thumbsup:
If it is the outer most seal..Can I use the screw driver trick to pry it out ...Hey..first timer on pulling the axles on the X!!! :D

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If you have a open carrier it's fairly easy to pull the axles. Take the cover off, push in the axle on the side you want to get to, remove the c-clip and then pull the axle out. There will be a seal right when you look at it. You can take a screw driver and tap it at an angle to compress the spring inside the seal which will allow you to wedge the seal out. Check your bearings and your axle to see if any rubbing or bad gouging has taken place. If so, replace the axle and the bearing. If not, install a new steal and put everything back together. Put the axle in, reinstall c-clip, and pull the axle out so the c-clip will be in place. How many miles are on your truck? If you don't have a lot of miles on it, you may have a venting problem in your differential. Check your breather tube for the axle to make sure it isn't clogged! When the tube is clogged, or the differential gets a lot of heat built up, it will push out of the seals causing a leak. Good luck. Sorry no pictures.


EDIT: I believer there is only one seal!

if you've got a Chilton or a Haynes:

Chilton: Chapter 7 page 29
Haynes: Chapter 8 page 13

Drew covered most of the steps.. only thing the manuals add is: "apply multipurpose grease on the seal's lips"... but other than that, you should be good to go.

just be careful when you tap in the new seals as they are somewhat flimsy.. use a piece of wood or something. i had the same leak happen to the rear during regear (i think the shop damaged the seal during the process).

Thanks for the info..Its what I needed to know... :thumbsup: :D

I am glad I have a garage...where I is 1/2 times longer than a normal length garage..but what really bites is that If a person had to remove 2 axle shafts at one time..guess what ..The garage is only wide enough to get 1 axle out at a time!

i wish i had a garage :(

BigDakota said:
I am glad I have a garage...where I is 1/2 times longer than a normal length garage..but what really bites is that If a person had to remove 2 axle shafts at one time..guess what ..The garage is only wide enough to get 1 axle out at a time!!
I was wrong on the garage not being wide enough! I just finished pulling both axles out at the same time :D ....I installed new axle seals and parking brake shoes on both sides... :cool:
