seat/console | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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April 24, 2008
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2006 Explorer Eddie Bauer
on a 2005 limited i have a console between the second row seats. can i take the console out and geta middle seat from a junkyard to put there? If so any specifics i need to meet like a 2005 seat only? Will the seat just bolt up from the console bolts or do i have to make new ones?

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on a 2005 limited i have a console between the second row seats. can i take the console out and geta middle seat from a junkyard to put there? If so any specifics i need to meet like a 2005 seat only? Will the seat just bolt up from the console bolts or do i have to make new ones?

I want to do pretty much the opposite on my 99 mounty, swap out the rear 60/40 split bench for rear seats and a console.

Why would you want to go to the bench. I am trying to get what you have right now and get rid of the second row bench.

I am guessing, but I have an '02 limited and I am wondering if the middle seat is not a stand-alone unit that can be bolted in/out independent of the two side seats.

I so, you want to trade, my middle seat for your console??? (what color/trim is your interior?).

Mine is grey

on a 2005 limited i have a console between the second row seats. can i take the console out and geta middle seat from a junkyard to put there? If so any specifics i need to meet like a 2005 seat only? Will the seat just bolt up from the console bolts or do i have to make new ones?

Just get the entire row... probably easier

I have my 3rd gen gray cloth seats for sale if interested
