Second row buckets.. Do you like them? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Second row buckets.. Do you like them?

Love the second row buckets! Kids like them too. Easier access to third row and buckets also are adjustable fore and aft giving you about 2 to 3 inches more leg room than with the bench. I like the gap also for putting things when traveling. Hope this helps.

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I'm contemplating getting the 2nd row buckets if I end up getting the '14 Sport I have my eye on. Ms. Fanboy suggested the buckets would be ideal when we have both kids and the dog as it would be a better place for the pooch than cramming between 2 car seats on the bench. Most of the time she has her front paws on the floor and back legs on the seat, head resting on the center console. I always have the 3rd row in my Flex down for hauling our gear so that isn't an option for her.

I'd like to hear from those with the 2nd row buckets; if you like them, hate them and any stories you may have to persuade me one way or the other.
Welcome to the Forum fanboy. :wavey:
As indicated, I have merged your thread with this one. There are plenty of opinions here.
Keep in mind, that unless something has changed, the bucket seats do not have inboard armrests. That is what the 2nd row optional console is used for.


We love them and our kids do too. The only thing I'd change is add armrests but the center console takes care of that, adds storage and more cup holders....



I love the second row captain chairs (they certainly aren't bucket seats lol). For one, they can slide forward and back, two, the back can be reclined, which can help a lot when you have a baby seat on these, three, the center console has tons of storage and I couldn't imagine the seats without it because they aren't buckets, there isn't much holding a passenger in on the sides, so having that bulky center console there helps a lot with comfort. Plus, when you fold the seats down, the console fills that gap and allows you to have a flat surface all the way up to the driver's seat if you ever have to transport sth big!

Thanks for the merge Peter.

And thanks for everybody else's comments regarding the 2nd row captains chairs. I am leaning that way more now. The armrests aren't a deal breaker for me as both kids have booster seats with armrests built in.

Thanks for the merge Peter.

And thanks for everybody else's comments regarding the 2nd row captains chairs. I am leaning that way more now. The armrests aren't a deal breaker for me as both kids have booster seats with armrests built in.

We like the bench, it gives us the extra seat when we need it. Also, the fold down armrest/cup holders are handy when there's only one or two.


Go 2nd Row buckets, by far the best choice, especially if you plan or using the 3rd row.

One thing to note which I didn't know.

If you order the SPORT you know the 3rd row Powerfold option is gone, but what I didn't know is that also removes the Powerfold 2nd row buckets. They were one button touch fold now its a 2 lever pull/fold. Not a big issue but smaller kids who have no problem pushing a button, sometimes have trouble lifting the seat into a folded position.


I just bought a 2013 with 2nd row captain's chairs/no centre console, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get them to tumble forward.

Do they actually tumble forward? Or is the centre aisle the only way to get to the back seats in this configuration?

Welcome to the Forum kresimir.:wavey:
They do tumble. Although I no longer have the Explorer, I believe the same latch that allows the seat back to fold forward is also the one that you use to unlock the seat from the floor. You have to pull up on the back of the seat. It doesn't tumble by itself unless you have the power ones.



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Welcome to the Forum kresimir.:wavey:
They do tumble. Although I no longer have the Explorer, I believe the same latch that allows the seat back to fold forward is also the one that you use to unlock the seat from the floor. You have to pull up on the back of the seat. It doesn't tumble by itself unless you have the power ones.


Thanks Peter!

This helps.

Ours only had buckets and no console. Searching this site, I found info about buying a console from a Ford dealer and I installed in in less than 10 minutes. It looks perfect and the back seat passengers love it.

I was leaning toward captain's chairs, so I asked the salesman if he had an opinion either way. He asked the age of our kids (16 and 9). He pointed out the bench would be more useful if they liked to sprawl out on long car rides. They do, and I really wouldn't have considered that, without his input. So we wound up with an XLT which comes with bench seats.

We have the buckets and console. Console is nice because the kids can store stuff in there during long trips and it provides them and other rear passengers with an armrest. The lack of an armrest would kill me but then I never sit back there, LOL!

If the rear buckets had inboard arm rests, I must say we probably wouldn't have the center console. It's pretty easy to fold the rear seats back to access the third row but it's easier to just have the kids walk thru the "aisle" like a minivan.

There must be some engineering reason why they didn't put inboard arm rests on those seats....

There must be some engineering reason why they didn't put inboard arm rests on those seats....

Got me on that. The Ex is a wide vehicle with wide door sills and seats that could be wider, so I don't see why they could not fit inboard armrests on second row buckets.

I have the bench for the second row and it could have a couple more inches on each side to make it more comfortable for three adults.

Front row seats could be wider too. You can tell it is off by how far you have to reach to rest your elbow.

Not the end of the world for me, by a head scratcher.

It might be a $$$ issue. The 40 part of a bench seat is actually a bucket seat. If they added armrests to bucket seats then Ford would have to manufacture 2 different seats instead of one. My MKT has 2nd row buckets also without armrests.

