Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS

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Well since I have the axle in-hand finally... I guess I can start my thread.

I bought this axle about a month ago from a guy in OR and finally made it around to picking it up yesterday. I watched as he actually took the axle out from under the truck. It's pretty clean.

1983 Jeep Wagoneer LP D44

The plans:
Rubicon Express leaf springs (unless someone suggests otherwise)

Then SOA the rear, add a locker, and 5x4.5 to 6x5.5 adapters (I heard they make them). So far I am thinking about going 35/36s BFGs or IROKs.

So.... any suggestions?


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Hey man looks good! Are you planning on keeping the drive flanges? If not I want them and the caps! I'll PM you. Your plans sound good. Rubicon Express leaves are good. A friend of mine runs them on his spring over Jeep and they flex really well. I have read nothing but good things about their quality and durability. Personally, I would just buy some new Ford rotor/hub assemblies with the 5x5.5 lug pattern and then just get an adapter for the rear. That's just my preference, but you can get the Ford stuff brand new for about $55 shipped to your door. That's what I did when I did the disc brake conversion on my D44. Good Luck!

In for updates. :)

As an option for the rear, you could get some new shafts for your 8.8 made 6 lug, then redrill the rotors.

Have you looked inside the pumpkin yet? Hope there won't be any surprises! (i.e. rust).


The 6 on 5.5 wheel spacers are a 2 piece design and very few places sell them. Most places dont make them cause they feel they are unsafe. If you are going to replace all the bearings roters etc up front I would convert to 5 on 5.5 and get wheel spcers for the rear. If it is all in good shape and you plan to reuse it just buy some new alloy shafts for the rear. I think they run under $300 034x4 on here bought some 6 on 5.5 shafts for his truck.

looks good....why dont you put in a 9' in the rear?

I like how yall removed the rear of the springs from the frame... that's awesome.

Why go with a 9" when you haev a perfectly good 8.8?

This would double the cost of the project.

I vote coils instead of leafs, but hey it's your truck! hahaha


410Fortune said:
Why go with a 9" when you haev a perfectly good 8.8?

This would double the cost of the project.

I vote coils instead of leafs, but hey it's your truck! hahaha

Yeah i vote for coil's but then again they are more expensive.

more expensive fer shizzle, especially on a Gen II truck :) Coils or coilovers....

Okay.. maybe I'll aim for a 5x5.5 conversion. I wanted to keep it Ford anyways!

Matt... do you have any pics/advice about the driver's side spring perch?

3 link + panhard bar, then use airshocks!


drivers side perch = arc welder with nickel rod I believe. I would put part of the perch on the tube if possible.

tdavis said:
3 link + panhard bar, then use airshocks!


drivers side perch = arc welder with nickel rod I believe. I would put part of the perch on the tube if possible.

I think it will be fairly close to the edge of the cast... so I could maybe get the one side on the tube. I'll check it out closer when my perches come in.

I also picked up another large part of this project today. Hobart 180. :cool: It's not the biggest out there.. but it should be a good all around welder for me. Plus, I think I got ole Dad talked into getting a plasma. Which would also come in handy for this project. :p

Set it all up and practiced some welds. This is the first time I've welded since I was about 12. :confused: I want to get decent before attempting any suspension work. But I'll have my Pro Welder buddy there with me anyways.


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Damn you are a huge jerk! I got my Hobart 180 a week before X mas and I still have not used it!!!!!! (electrician coming to run 220 to the garage)

those welds look PURTY!!! Now I am excited to fire mine up!
I got the EXACT same setup, cart and all.

I assume that was with the spool of wire that came with it, the tip that came with it and no gas?

you = jerk. :)

scratch that I see the bottle.

how much was the bottle?

That's not how I roll, man. That's with solid 30 wire.. with gas.. and the tip that came with it. :p :p :p


I think those welds might be ok. The problem with MIG is they can be pretty, yet still crappy (no penetration). Cut it apart with a grinder, and see what you really did. You can also do butt weld two plate together, then take a sledge hammer to them and try to break them apart. If they bend, then you probably got it right.

Good welds are also supposed to look like a stack of dimes - I can finally get that look after several hundred crappy looking welds. The attached is what I did on my rear housing.


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Welds look good for someone that hasn't done it in a long time. They appear to be pentrated good. You'll do better to push instead of pull though. Looks like you were pulling for those, but I could be wrong. Look much better than most welds you see posted on the internet!!

And yeah for the driver perch.. you're gonna need a nickle rod and good ole arc welder. People do it with regular MIG but I wouldn't do it that way.

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Yeah, I was pulling. :p I'll try pushing next time.

I have a good ol' arc welder I have never even attempted to use. But maybe I'll have my Dad do that part. :D

So.. about my leafs. I was thinking of going with the YJ 1.5" SOA spring. Which I guess would be about 6.5" of lift in the front (of a YJ). That should be about right, right? Input?

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