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Security system


Well-Known Member
April 11, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited
Hey all,
I'm kinda worried about the new X not having a security system other than an engine disabler. I carry valuables from time to time and would like to know if anyone has had either a dealer installed security system or an aftermarket system installed, pricing and if it works well. I had over 10,000 worth of hunting equipment stolen out of my brother's truck last year at 9am in a denny's parking lot right before we were headed out to go hunting. I never leave valuables overnight but am super paranoid about not having an alarm system anymore.

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Dark tint, good insurance. Nothing else is 100% protective unless you can invoke a disabling shock through the car's exterior. Even then...

My dealer threw in the alarm upgrade with the Extended Protection Plan. The alarm upgrade only took a few minutes, it's just a module. Better to have good homeowners/ rental insurance and lojack.

The alarm uses the same key for my XLT no real difference, just has an alarm.

Hey all,
I'm kinda worried about the new X not having a security system other than an engine disabler. I carry valuables from time to time and would like to know if anyone has had either a dealer installed security system or an aftermarket system installed, pricing and if it works well. I had over 10,000 worth of hunting equipment stolen out of my brother's truck last year at 9am in a denny's parking lot right before we were headed out to go hunting. I never leave valuables overnight but am super paranoid about not having an alarm system anymore.

Limited has a perimeter alarm too. Doors and hood.
See the owners guide

Limited has a perimeter alarm too. Doors and hood.
See the owners guide
Yeah but I walk all around the vehicle and pushed on it and nothing.

Yeah but I walk all around the vehicle and pushed on it and nothing.

It would be interesting to see what Fords definition of "Perimeter alarm" is, (standard feature on XLT & Limited).

The one offered through the accessories store is listed as a "2 Step" perimeter alarm which appears to include a motion sensor. Doesn't sound like either system is triggered by external events.

Yeah but I walk all around the vehicle and pushed on it and nothing.

Alarms don't sound if you bump into it. You actually have to try the door handle or something I think. At least the good, non-annoying ones do.

I have an XLT and the salesman said it does not have an alarm, can you tell me if it does or not? I checked the brochure and couldn't find it listed.

I want to add an alarm, but not sure if I should use the ford one listed above or an aftermarket alarm

It would be interesting to see what Fords definition of "Perimeter alarm" is, (standard feature on XLT & Limited).

The one offered through the accessories store is listed as a "2 Step" perimeter alarm which appears to include a motion sensor. Doesn't sound like either system is triggered by external events.

Let us know, my ltd did not have iisted on any paperwork.
