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service engine light. (EGR FLOW)


Well-Known Member
February 26, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 mercury mountaineer
OK, my service engine soon light is on. took it and had a scan done. They told me it was oming back as EGR flow restriction. told me it could be couple different couple things but it would not hurt to keep driving it. it just wont pass smog till it gets fixed. but last night the car was stopped in drive the idle kept dropping and almost dying. Any help please. What is EGR FLOW? And can it harm the car driving it?


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I have had the same problem for years. It showed the code when it was about a year old, I replaced the EGR valve and the code came back. I've been driving it like that since without any other problems.
It is annoying and I would like to get it fixed but with 288,000 miles on it I don't think it is hurting anything.

The problem is when it comes to EGR codes its a 50/50 shot at what you chose to do. There are 2 things leading to your EGR valve being your EGR pressure sensor and EGR temp sensor. You can try replacing those before your EGR valve but like I said its a 50/50 chance that it could be those or the EGR valve itself. Driving with it messed up wont hurt your car; all that an EGR valve does is resend unburned exhaust fumes through your system to be burned. Basically it helps to reduce your NOX emissions so you can drive it but u wont be able to pass an inspection.

The problem is when it comes to EGR codes its a 50/50 shot at what you chose to do. There are 2 things leading to your EGR valve being your EGR pressure sensor and EGR temp sensor. You can try replacing those before your EGR valve but like I said its a 50/50 chance that it could be those or the EGR valve itself. Driving with it messed up wont hurt your car; all that an EGR valve does is resend unburned exhaust fumes through your system to be burned. Basically it helps to reduce your NOX emissions so you can drive it but u wont be able to pass an inspection.

how hard would this be to do? are they easy to get too? could any of the EGR valve or senors cuz the engine to drop RPMS while idling in Drive and lmost die? thanks

no the EGR valve doesnt affect the performance of the car at all. That almost sounds like either the idle air controll valve or the throttle position sensor. Which engine do you have?

no the EGR valve doesnt affect the performance of the car at all. That almost sounds like either the idle air controll valve or the throttle position sensor. Which engine do you have?

i have the 4.0

actually nvm i dont think which engine makes a difference. The EGR position sensor, located near or on top of the EGR valve, monitors the position of the EGR valve needle. By monitoring the valve's diaphragm position, the engine control computer determines when to open and close the valve for minimum exhaust emissions and maximum efficiency. As for the other i was incorrect, our trucks dont have temp sensors. The one i meant was the EGR vacuum solenoid. It is a control solenoid that, when signaled, energizes the vacuum to open the EGR valve. For this one just follow the vacuum line from the EGR valve and you should find it.

actually nvm i dont think which engine makes a difference. The EGR position sensor, located near or on top of the EGR valve, monitors the position of the EGR valve needle. By monitoring the valve's diaphragm position, the engine control computer determines when to open and close the valve for minimum exhaust emissions and maximum efficiency. As for the other i was incorrect, our trucks dont have temp sensors. The one i meant was the EGR vacuum solenoid. It is a control solenoid that, when signaled, energizes the vacuum to open the EGR valve. For this one just follow the vacuum line from the EGR valve and you should find it.

so which one do you think it is?

best to do both theyre only like 30 bucks a piece

best to do both theyre only like 30 bucks a piece

where are they? i think i found little black sensor. has a 2 hoses going down to the exhaust??? would that be it? ALSO when i was looking around i noticed the engine has this bag type of thing on the top. know what that is????

if it helps this is what they look like...

This is your pressure sensor...


And this is your vacuum solenoid...


Unplug and plug the sensor back in. The give it a few days of driving or have the code cleared. I had a conncetiin problem once. If that doesn't help, replace the sensor first. Odds are that is the culprit.

Ok so i changed out the egt pressure sensor and reset the check engine light. Hasnt come on today. Lets just hope this fixes problem. Only 30 bucks

Service Engine Light= worst invention ever!!!

the only reason i say that is because I've always had problems with mine. One on my 89 New Yorker and my first Explorer.
My current one hasn't had too many problems with electrical

You helped me out too. Replaced the sensor and the problem went away. Thanks!

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so went all weekend with not serivce engine light coming on. YAY

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