setting on amp.Stumped??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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setting on amp.Stumped???


Explorer Addict
August 24, 2001
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I have a kenwood kac923amp.I just hooked up three kove klh's 6ohm speakers all in series,they were in a bandpass box and they sounded great but the box was way to big,so i went to a sealed box.My question is when I get up on the volume it sounds like they are popping,they should not be doing that,they are 200rms speaker and the amp might be 400rms.Why are they doing that?Any ideas?There is a switch on the amp that says 50hz,100hz,and off,it says it is for the subwoofers but I have no idea if you are supposed to adjust that or the controls on the deck.Any ideas would really help.Sorry about this being so long,I just really peed off.Thanks for your time Brad in Iowa

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KLH 6ohm speakers, aren't those house speakers??
and what do you mean by series? (positive to negative/or/positive to positive)
and put the switch on 50hz...

answer those questions and i can help you


I mean KLD series

They are run pos. to pos.

Running those speakers in series is going to create a 18 ohm impedance. Which is pretty high. I would run them in parallel which would create a 2 ohm load as long as your amp can handle it. How many channels is your amp?

As for the popping it sounds as if you have an air leak. If you push the subs in, do you hear air come out. Or do the subs slowly come out. If so get some silicone and seal it up from the inside.


Do you actually have them wired in series? Are all of you +'s tied together and all of your -'s tied together. If so it's paralleled.

I think you are right on the air leak,but the amp will not take a 2ohm load at least I dont think.I am looking at buying another amp,these koves kick ass,but they sound like crap in that box.thanks for your reply Brad in iowa

No they are neg to pos tied together

yes the kenwood kac 923 is stable down to 2ohms...almost any amp you buy is gonna be stable to that.


If I tied those speakers pos to pos what ohm would I be getting.The way I have it now it the speakers hardley even move.Thanks for your input Brad in Iowa

So if I ran all of these koves in series I should be at 2ohms.Sorry I am a little new at all of this wiring.Thanks alot Brad in Iowa

Anyone got any ideas?Thanks alot Brad in Iowa

In series they would be 18ohms. Not gonna get much from the amp that way. You need to wire them parallel to each other.
Bridge the amp and wire the speakers parallel to each other.

the best way to wire those subs (dual 6 ohm voice coil) is to wire each sub's voice coils in series to create a 12 ohm load for each subwoofer. then wire them all in parallel bridged @ 4ohms mono. your amp is not stable to 2 ohms mono, but it is stable to 4 ohms mono.

I just want to thank everyone for there help with this especially leenjen.Cross your fingers I am going to try to get this done tonight.Thanks again Brad in iowa
