shackles fitted! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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shackles fitted!

got bored today so i removed lower half of bumper and also the spot light mounts and lights also removed plastic cover for rads ,next on list is a winch mount and some recovery points ! looks kinda strange but i can get down steep banks without hitting anything now,before
ive now got 20" to underside of bumper i may add some spots at some point as the ones i removed are worn and horrid

I did the same thing on mine a while ago, actually the ground did it LOL, & reckon they look better/meaner for it

& after


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nice looking ex,i think id have jacked mine even higher than yours if i lived in australia not for the terrain but to keep away from snakes and spiders lol:D

nice looking ex,i think id have jacked mine even higher than yours if i lived in australia not for the terrain but to keep away from snakes and spiders lol:D

Thanks mate, but I've got to get a set of rubber like yours to get to the places I want to go, & show up all the " X downers", but it all costs money so I'll just have to wait a bit longer I suppose LOL. You do much bush bashing?

do i do much bush bashing? well i try it on most nights with the missus but she aint having none of it lol, as often as possible as theres not much open space nearby i tend to use clubs which hire m.o.d tank training grounds which is good so mostly man made terrain than anythin else ps,ive removed my pictures with number plates showing (bit late now probably)as i realised they can be cloned.

i forgot to say i dont use them insa special track tyres anymore as they are to noisey on the roads i use insa traction track now much better same level of grip only quieter .have a look on ebay i got a set delivered for less than £300

do i do much bush bashing? as often as possible as theres not much open space nearby i tend to use clubs which hire m.o.d tank training grounds which is good so mostly man made terrain than anythin else ps,ive removed my pictures with number plates showing (bit late now probably)as i realised they can be cloned.

I suppose I just take it for granted over here as I can see Fraser Is from here & Harvey Bay is surrounded by bush, State Forests & National Parks. Our club day trips can take in over 400klms sometimes, just to get to somewhere different & not so boring (due to over visiting). Most 4bing shouldn't be done without a 2'' lift over here, even on the soft sand as it can be VERY soft. :D
