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shackles fitted!

pretty badass looking, nice job.

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:thumbsup: thanks glad you like it ! ive just got a bit to cut out on the fender as it rubs ever so slightly on r/h full lock just a little annoying than anything!

after a weeks driving i got round to measuring again ,she now sits 35 1/2 " on each corner with 265 75 16 on the only downside is my level light keeps comming on after a while even though it sat evenly,but i can live with that

Ay up rich,
I think your light is coming on because your 'body' is now sitting higher above the axle. I will look into making a bracket for the 'ARC' for you. I'm grovling under mine because one of the exhaust hangers has broke, so I will see if I can come up with something.

cheers kev might have one of you ,will see how you get on!rich

Funny mine is not on at all- I have not heard it pump since I put the shackles on and intend to have a look this weekend- not worried as it really rides so much better than ever now- like the Explorer should have done from the start.. I cant believe that it was so bad now I know better!

H dont know why it comes on but its not a problem for now,ill get a sticker to go over it lol,............ Si you wont regret it the rides a lot better ,cornering its ok i just go slightly slower as for offroading i havent been this year yet but sure it will enhance the experiance!.

Ay up Si,
Shackles on the way,

Good choice Si!
Well done mate- bet yours looks wicked now I put the wheels back!
YOu will love rthe Shackles mate- still gonna lift your tyres when your not watching, sucker! Lol

lol, you're funny H, I'm hoping they're gonna be here today, so I can stick em on tomorrow afternoon. I've got 2 interviews tomorrow, desperately need a new job...

I'll keep you posted!


Well Si- they are really good quality aint they mate- how did the fitting go?
I have taken pics of my old shackles and the amount of rust chips, flacks and clumps that came off with them- will post here over the weekend.
Hope it went well mate- bout time your saggy end was lifted!

All done....

Firstly big thanks to Kev!! Awesome...

I used an old scissor jack on the spring as my bottle jack wouldn't go in the space... worked a treat...

Broke a socket on the big nuts.... so had to wait till I found another one..

But all in all, probably one of the easiest mods I've ever done, took less than an hour!






yeah, there's a nice squeak developed from the front tho... lol...


Squeek you say! Hmmmmmmmm wd the drop links mate see if it stops- if it does when you have time lub them dude!

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Thats ok - think thats called the Gangter lean- its because the fuel tank has taken some spring outta the leaf springs on that side- nowt can be done and once your innit its level I think.
