"Shifting" issue resolved! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Shifting" issue resolved!


Active Member
March 12, 2016
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2016 Ford Explorer XLT
Hi guys,

I wanted to update you on what's going on with my Explorer in hopes that it might help someone else if they ever run into this issue.

I've complained in several threads and looked everywhere over the last year I've had my Explorer for a remedy to it shifting weird, holding gears when it shouldn't, or not downshifting when it should. I brought it to three separate Ford dealers and followed the advice of several folks here to no avail.

An extremely passionate and dedicated SA at a nearby Ford Dealer (Colonial Ford in Plymouth, MA)that I hadn't been to before (my new go to Dealership) worked with me and his technicians to get it resolved. They had realized that when another Ford dealership had performed my throttle body recall, they had only done the reprogramming of the ETB. They didn't actually replace it. When it was reprogrammed, the car would behave "better" but not as expected for a few hundred miles while it learned again and then would drive like garbage soon as it finished learning.

The actual replacement of the throttle body solved the problem, it drives like a completely different car. I love it now. So, if your dealership deemed yours to be one that just needed to be reprogrammed and not replaced but your car drives strange...you might not be crazy!

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In my Explorer you can feel the car shift , But i don't know if its supposed to be like that. I've never taken it in to get it checked out.

In my Explorer you can feel the car shift , But i don't know if its supposed to be like that. I've never taken it in to get it checked out.
Some of the 2016 models had issues with faulty throttle bodies and one of the 'fixes' was to reprogram it and another was to replace it. There is a thread on that issue.


Some of the 2016 models had issues with faulty throttle bodies and one of the 'fixes' was to reprogram it and another was to replace it. There is a thread on that issue.


My car is a 2013 ford explorer limited awd

My car is a 2013 ford explorer limited awd
I realize that. I was just pointing out that the issue the OP was talking about was the throttle body problem on the 2016 models.
