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Shops In California


Elite Explorer
December 30, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer Sport
Does anyone know a shop in Southern California that does custom lifts for explorer sports1997?
I'm getting fed up with 4 by 4 land and 4wheelparts because no one wants to touch my car.
I want to have a 3inch body lift installed or the explorer pro comp spindle system. Well, is there also anyone in Souther California that has done the body lift and would like to help me out. The only experience I have is the TT/Shackle lift. I just need someone or some shop to install this.


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Hey Ray,
I'm planning on doing the 3" body lift to my truck next week some time. You could come watch/help, or I'd be glad to help you do yours. just let me know.

There's a guy named gopher that has a 2wd that's lifted and lives in Huntington Beach. look him up and send him a email. He could help you out. He was at the Truckhaven run so you could find his profile from that thread.


Originally posted by Jefe
Hey Ray,
I'm planning on doing the 3" body lift to my truck next week some time. You could come watch/help, or I'd be glad to help you do yours. just let me know.

That's great to know. I'm still trying to decide about the tires and stuff so if i get the body lift
it'll be in 2-3 weeks. Tell me how yours went.


Theres all sorts of shops down here. Theres the baja shop, camburg, donohue, and many others. It just depends on how much you want to spend. i know and have heard that the Baja shop does some really nice work. When i get home i'll look for the number for you and post it. Also you could go to www.camburg.com and email them and see what they could do for you. Just remember the the suspension lift is going to be alot more than a body lift.

Originally posted by Gopher
Theres all sorts of shops down here. Theres the baja shop, camburg, donohue, and many others. It just depends on how much you want to spend. i know and have heard that the Baja shop does some really nice work. When i get home i'll look for the number for you and post it. Also you could go to www.camburg.com and email them and see what they could do for you. Just remember the the suspension lift is going to be alot more than a body lift.

Which shop do you prefer? And where's donahue located at? I want to visit these shops to .

