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The SoCal Crew

High Center rescue.


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    tom stuck.jpg
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There has been a lot of fires up in the area lately. Here is one of the reasons. On the middle right of the pic there is a burned up buggy that took out a few hundred acres.


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1 week old disco going up:


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Disco straddling. He gave the newly leased vehicle quite a workout.


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Solid axles does not necessarily mean flex.


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A lot of wheelin deserves a reward.


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Why wasn't I invited??? This looked like fun! Well, keep me updated on the next trip you do...

Hey Ken,

I would really like for you to come on any of trips. Problem is I usually get calls the night before someone wants to go so I'll post an invite here but its such short notice. I'll definitely try and give fair warning before I go. Hopefully you can make it on on a trip in the next few weeks. I'll shoot you an email.

Originally posted by Josh S.
Wow, looks like you guys had a great time! It also looks like those Jeeps had quite a workout of their parts!:eek:

I just learned that the Jeep that broke his diff also shredded his spider gears. Expensive trip.

Well, Jefe and I have done that run too many times to count (majority of them at night!) We've never broken anything or gotten stuck (even when I was slightly modified with 33's, 2" coil spacers and stock L/S, but I did have to try a couple of different lines until I made it through)

However, the last time we ran it with some friends, there was a guy with a broken rear driveshaft stuck on that first hill. He obviously didn't have a clue, and was trying to fly up the hill "like on TV".

Originally posted by Brother_of_Jefe
Well, Jefe and I have done that run too many times to count (majority of them at night!) We've never broken anything or gotten stuck (even when I was slightly modified with 33's, 2" coil spacers and stock L/S, but I did have to try a couple of different lines until I made it through)

However, the last time we ran it with some friends, there was a guy with a broken rear driveshaft stuck on that first hill. He obviously didn't have a clue, and was trying to fly up the hill "like on TV".

The carnage was as you said just a matter of trying to fly up the hill.

Hungry Valley Sat. 6th

Where: Hungry Valley Entrance (off Peace Valley Road)
When: Saturday Sep. 6th
Why: Never Been:(

My friends and I will be out there testing our machines come out and join us! Thanks Jeff

Hey 96XSport where in Orange County do you live.
I live in Irvine.

I live in Laguna Niguel. Right off the 5 at the Crown Valley Exit. Irvine is where i bought my Sport. Off of Dupont and Jaboree.

What are some of the thing i need when i am out in hungry valley? I am new to all this. I just got a CB today for emergency's. I know i am gunna need a High Lift Jack. What else? Right now i am welding my own Grille Guard. My dad is in the metal bussiness so its no problem. Its turning our pretty cool. Ill have pictures as soon as this POS digital camera starts working.

Hey it is great to see that people are using this thread still. I started it a few years ago to hopefuly network some of the thoudands of explorers in so cal. I now drive my cougar and my dad drives the ex. I will try to stay in touch as much as possible but with school i am pretty buisy. Hey Mike, Tim, Jeff... how you guys doing? It would be great to sometime have a big meet that all of us could go to sometime. If anyone wants to throw out a date and place be my guest.

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We are have a run at Pismo Beach in Oct.
Check out the thread in the trail runs section.
Everyone is welcome to join us out there.
