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Should I be weary of 1st year? When will 2012 hit?


December 24, 2010
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Should I(we) be weary of a 1st year production after such a radical change? I know its based on the proven taurus, but it is a major change in the explorer and new for ford. Additionally with the late launch, probably Feb 2011 before I could get one, is it worth waiting to 2012?

When does Ford usually launch new model years, late summer/early fall?

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If you're talking about the new 2011 Explorer?

1. Yes, be weary of first year models
2. Buy an Edge or Flex, and while you're at the dealer tell them I said they can take their new "Explorer" and shove it. :)

Thanks. :)

</end super hate for 2011 Explorer>

I concur- there haven't been any horrible models lately, but I would wait for a 2012 if it is a long term purchase. Not to say it won't be fine, but there are a lot of new systems on this vehicle.

On a separate note, can we at least keep the bashing to the specified threads? Not really bashing, Brad- I know just about everyone besides me here \ hates / the new Explorer, but there really is little value to insulting new members who have valid questions when they're going to spend $40k by belittling their choices- they might see it that way, and we need members! :)

Cars are made much better these days but I would personally stay away from first year production.

Count me as a "lover" too.

This really troubled me too. I'm of the type where I buy a vehicle new and don't get rid of it until it's broken down on the side of the road, preferably with 150,000+ miles on it. The least amount of time I've owned a vehicle is 16 years. I'm essentially breaking the golden rule of new car buying "Don't buy the first model year after a revision." I'm playing with fire and am totally relying on my past Ford purchases as a marker (I know, it varies from car to car, let alone manufacturer to manufacturer). Pray for me.

^ what swetrid said ^

He's a Ford tech, and he owns the last of the Gen II's. Ford slid down the learning curve for 10 years and had it mastered by 2001... :D

Pray for me too, edge... :D

Can anyone guess when 2012 will hit? I can't imagine it would be Dec 2011, so less than 12mo model year but I'm not familiar with Fords year changeover. I know GM usually does it July with first vehicles hitting august timeframe

I ordered my 2011 X on Sept. 3rd after two weeks of delaying it (didn't have time to stop at the dealership). Seeing as I don't even have a build date (I should point out others who have ordered 2-3 months after me have build dates, and yes this pisses me off to no end) I'm looking at late February at the earliest. I would imagine 2012 models would start rolling out in October-November 2011.

The Ford rep on the facebook page, as well as factory workers at the Chicago assembly plant have both stated that since this is a brand new model/revision, they are put through extra quality checks. For example, instead of doing the full inspection on 1 out of every 50 (or whatever), they are doing it on all. They say it's more than the usual 10-point checklist (has tires? body panels not falling off? rolls without noise? doesn't explode?). This is another reason for the delays for getting them to dealer lots.

The more time any vehicle is given to mature, the better it is. I work as a software programmer, I live and die by this concept, lol. Thing is, you have to draw a line in the sand and say "ok, this is good enough" or you'll never drive anything (same concept can be applied to buying a computer, technology is always changing, if you keep waiting, you'll never buy anything).

doesn't explode... lol!

Very true on the sand line- excellent point. Ordering mine in the spring, since I wouldn't drive it in the snow this year anyway even if it did show up.

^ see? That's your new Explorer owner!! ^ :D

Saw the New Ex at the dealer and I would get rid of my '08 in a heartbeat, for it!

Joe, you're purposely waiting to order yours for the specific reason for them to work out the kinks or is it another reason? One of two main reasons I order the X was for winter/snow driving. When I ordered back in Sept, I figured I would see it in December at the latest when snow in Iowa was really ramping up. By the time it gets here in Feb/March, the snow will be about done and thawing with the worst of it behind us.

Both really- I wasn't going to drive it this winter as I have the 2000, so I was going to put a Michigan winter on that one first. I want to get under the 2011 first before the salt hits it. In the process, I can wait for some kinks, and evaluate the launch to decide if there is another 2002 waiting to happen, or if it's safe to proceed with an order.

I'll also add to the motion that I love the new explorer too, but really love all the new features that are available only on the Limited model, push button start, heated / cooled seats.


I think there are about 5 of us... :D
You can make that 6 now! My Limited ran up to just under $52K in my neck of the woods with added options. Leasing for 48 months, so I guess I better like it. ;)

Cars are made much better these days but I would personally stay away from first year production.

Exactly. While it may be a nice "vehicle", on it's own merits, it is NOT, nor will it ever be an Explorer, a truck, or even an SUV. It's a car. Maybe, a CUV at best.

Should I(we) be weary of a 1st year production after such a radical change? I know its based on the proven taurus, but it is a major change in the explorer and new for ford. Additionally with the late launch, probably Feb 2011 before I could get one, is it worth waiting to 2012?

When does Ford usually launch new model years, late summer/early fall?

I think you meant "leary", as in "apprehensive" or "concerned".
Weary( as in "tired of", "sick of", or "fed up with") is what you will be AFTER you've bought it, and it has broken down repeatedly. As in, "I've grown WEARY, of this stupid first-year lemon constantly being in the shop."

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You can make that 6 now! My Limited ran up to just under $52K in my neck of the woods with added options.

Wow, how did you manage that? I could only get it up to $48K and a few bucks..

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