Should I bother with a 02-05 Mountaineer/Ex? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Should I bother with a 02-05 Mountaineer/Ex?


Active Member
October 19, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0
I sold my beloved 2000 Explorer 5.0 with 130k on it last year and I regret it. Trying to find another at a reasonable price is near impossible so I am considering a 02-05 Mountaineer or Explorer because theyre everywhere on craigslist but was wondering if they are drivetrain ticking time bombs like most explorers/mountaineers.

I have NOT a single spec of interest in 4.0 2nd Gens, I don't care how well it was maintained, those transmissions are junk. I would like to know if the 3rd gens can be as bulletproof as the 2nd gen 5.0s or if those days are gone

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Are you talking engine only?

The 4.6l is a decent engine. Timing chains will go eventually, but can be fixed in car.

I have two 3rd gens. After getting my 04 with the V8, I'd never get the 4.0 again.

The 3rd gens have their issues just like any vehicle. Everyone here, is so, because they had issues. There are plenty of other folks with 200k + on the original engine and trans.

The 5.0 is a good engine. But most who played in that arena have since moved to the modular engines of today. There's even the relatively new modular 5.0, just not in Explorers.

3rd gens are just a completely different rig. Overall I prefer it over my 1st gen. The 94 just has sentimental value and a stick.

You might want to read the following

Many have had problems with the tranmission in these, but I have not had that issue. Someday the transmission will need work, but so far it still good. I am an original owner of a 03 Ex with the 4.6 engine. Only Major problem I have had is a rear Diff rebuild. If you like working on your vehicles, then find the best one you can.

If you want any 3rd gen Explorer you want a 2004/2005 with the V8.

I am not concerned with ANYTHING more than reliability. The issues like any other vehicle statement means nothing, certain vehicles can almost guarantee issues in certain areas, some are no big deal and some are a big fix. I will not buy any 4.0 2nd gen explorers because their transmissions are ticking time bombs... I don't care about the story of the guy who bought it brand new 15 years ago and maintained it religiously and it lasted, those don't exist in my market unless I get lucky. I want to know if I buy a 3rd gen am I going to be replacing a transmission sooner than later. I don't care about which engine tows better or has better passing capabilities on the highway

Sounds like you should stay away from Explorers.

Like Number4 said, this truck isn't for you.

The V8 has a better transmission than the V6. My 05 V6 has the 5r55s transmission. I'm on the second rebuild and still having issues.

Look for a V8 and I think you will be OK. If you choose a V6 with a 5r55s, I would put in a shift correction kit. That will take care of most of the issues.

My dad's 04 has over 230,000 miles on it.

It's only needed basic maintenence, except for the oil filter relocation gasket (did I say that right) which is fairly common.

The 4.6 seems to pull harder than my 5.0.

Now my mom's 05 has about 26,000 on it and still looks like new.

They're both Mounty's with the 4.6 and just about every option.


The V8 has a better transmission than the V6. My 05 V6 has the 5r55s transmission. I'm on the second rebuild and still having issues.

Look for a V8 and I think you will be OK. If you choose a V6 with a 5r55s, I would put in a shift correction kit. That will take care of most of the issues.

V8's also came with the 5R55S. It is not intrinsically any better than the 5R55W alternative.

My 03 XLT 4.6 has over 200K miles on it, I've used it quite a bit for towing a 12 ft covered trailer, and I've never had a problem with the transmission. I've changed the trans fluid a couple of times.
My experience is anecdotal and does not guarantee you'll have the same.
If you don't want any risk, buy a new car with a warranty or just stay at home.

I have a 2002 Eddie Bauer that I bought used, I love the truck. Yes it has some minor issues, but I figure with 228,000 miles on it most of the major bugs should be fixed.

I bought my 02 Explorer in 2004 with about 19k miles, it has 117k miles now. It's been very reliable. Doesn't have a rattle on it either.

Well I bought a 2002 back in 2007 and gave me no issues except rear wheel bearings which I replaced, winded up giving it to my mom. According to her, still running strong with no issues. Figured it was a descent ride why not get a newer 2005 EB 4x4 (model year wise) which I purchased back in April. Needless to say cosmetically the rig is a beaut but mechanically its been a money pit. Took it on a trip and I too fell victim to the infamous various transmission problems. Torque converter went out at roughly 1100 miles away from home. Had to get rental car to finish rest of trip. As of right now, my Ex is still sitting in Albuquerque waiting for me to pick it up. Had to dump $3k on a rebuilt transmission, picking it up on the 10th and planning on selling or trading it in once I get it back home. Wife and I both agree it's more of a risk money wise and not worth keeping. Fully loaded EB minus sunroof and adjustable pedals. Last ex I will ever buy.

If I had that kind of experience I probably wouldn't buy another one either.
Since my experience was completely the opposite, we bought a 2014 Sport that my wife drives. She hasn't had any problems yet, I hope it stays reliable.

The V8 has a better transmission than the V6. My 05 V6 has the 5r55s transmission. I'm on the second rebuild and still having issues.

Look for a V8 and I think you will be OK. If you choose a V6 with a 5r55s, I would put in a shift correction kit. That will take care of most of the issues.

To determine which trans we have, would we need to look at the pan?
