silverstar disapointment - failed after 11 days | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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silverstar disapointment - failed after 11 days

Got my silverstar fog light bulbs for christmas and i have been totally physced about them. Noticed today that one of them bit the bullet after only 11 days of use. I took all the percatutions to not touch them when putting them in. Its not the wiring to the fog light harness either...its the bulb

calling sylvania in the morning. Very very dissapointed right now.. but i understand that these things do happen...just had to vent a little


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that sucks... i have never hd a problem with mine

Silverstars suck a$$. Their full of media hype. Snake oil!!! Just get Hella 55/100 clears with the upgraded Hella harness and be done with it.

ive had two different fogs go too, dont worry though, someone wll chime in and say that you must have done something wrong and try to defend sylvania...even though you already stated you took every precaution. been there done that.:rolleyes:

It might just be a 'friday' bulb, it might be worth the time to exchange it for another bulb, if its only been a few weeks. Im not very pleased with my 'stars either, but from a performance standpoint. They work fine, just arent too bright...

You probably touched it inadvertantly or something got on the bulb that made it burn out. Or maybe you just got a bad one. That doesn't mean that Silverstars suck and it's a terrible product. I feel that Silverstars are a big improvement over stock. One of the reasons that they aren't as good on Explorers is because of the crappy headlight design.

if someone didn't call that one. :)
I wore gloves the entire time while installing the bulbs. so thats not a possibility
but thats besides the fact....
i called up sylvania today and they were very nice. They didn't give me any hassle at all. They asked me to send the bad bulb back, she said since they are new so their quality control dept would like to take a look at it to see why exactly it failed.

so hopefully i'll get my new one back next week. but they were very pleasant to deal with.

silverstars are a miniscule improvement over stock. even the ebay hiper branded bulbs have worked better for me in the past.

i think your better off saving your $30 bucks and trying to afford a real upgrade later (like i did)

Just because you wore gloves doesn't meant there wasn't oil and dirt on the gloves themselves.

it does if you use sterile nitrile free medical type gloves stolen from the universities lab... especially if they are purple

but you still dont see my point, wearing regular gloves elimates the chance of my bare hands touching the glass of the bulb. AND even then i was espically careful to not touch the glass part with the gloves, i also tried to make sure not to hit the glass on the sides of the housing when putting it in.

Just like i said i took all the percautions.
If the bulbs required much more caution when installing i don't think they would sell them/ stay in business

yes there is a chance that oil was on the gloves or dirt got on it but with the caution i took with them, i think thats a very very small chance.

i grabbed my optix brand headlight bulbs by the glass with my bare hands and just shoved them in there. left fingerprints and all. still going strong after 8 months. i dont think stuff on the outside of the bulb affects the filiment inside.

What happens if you get oil on the glass is that the bulb gets hot, then the oil gets hot, and that creates the bulb to break. You are lucky yours still work...

i have 3 sets .....9007 and 9005 in my ex and 9007 in my gf stratus...never had problems...

lol @ expo definatly helps if they are purple, as proven in his write ups ;)

really upset with the service i'm recieving from sylvania. WHen i called they were really nice...I sent the bulb back on the 7 of jan and says they recived it on on 9th...........However i still am yet to get a replacement... I included my phone number and email when i sent it back so they could contact me incase there was any problems....they have not contacted me either.
Very poor service on the replacement of the bulb
i will be calling them tomorrow and getting on there case about this....service like this is not acceptable in a replacement case...

did the glass break or did the fliment burn out? if u touched it wouldnt and the oil made it hot wouldnt the glass break instead of the filiment burning out?? that confused me..i need a soda now lol

I dont think silverstars are that big of a deal either. I bought fogs and headlamps and even bought this wire harness that aldive said was great and gave the bulbs more wattage. Its all a bunch of crap i wish i had spent the money somewhere else.

i think the bulb failed for reason unknown because the glass did not break and the filament appeared to be intact..

i called synvania yesterday to see what the deal is..they said the bulbs are made in Europe and they antisipate 4 weeks till i can get a replacement. :(
i'm gonna call in a couple weeks and bug them some more

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Originally posted by 99explorer5.0
even bought this wire harness that aldive said was great and gave the bulbs more wattage. Its all a bunch of crap i wish i had spent the money somewhere else.

The harness is meant for high wattage bulbs like the ones I have, Hella 55/100's. It won't do squat for stock wattage ones, or help the Silverstars.
