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Simple Suspension Lift question.

Ya, I know its a Camburg kit. Im just saying, I couldnt find a Camburg Kit specifically for an explorer, but I found the 5.5" kit for the Ranger and wanted to know about it.

Could you elaborate a bit on the rotor issue? I couldn't use my OEM rotors/calipers with this 5.5" Camburg Ranger kit? Are there any other ways to make it work rather than install ranger brakes?


if the suspension kit comes with replacement knuckles, and are designed for a Ranger, will not work on an Explorer without getting the smaller rotors, since the caliper mounting brackets and rotors from an Explorer will not fit on the Ranger knuckle.

maybe the Ranger Edge has larger front rotors :dunno:

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if the suspension kit comes with replacement knuckles, and are designed for a Ranger, will not work on an Explorer without getting the smaller rotors, since the caliper mounting brackets and rotors from an Explorer will not fit on the Ranger knuckle.

maybe the Ranger Edge has larger front rotors :dunno:

larger front rotors and totally different than the other 2wd rangers, explorers and edges are the exact same 100% front suspension.

Thanks again for all the help with everything guys.

All this suspension stuff is overwhelming to me, haha. I can strip a motor to the bare block and rebuild it, but I dont know squat about suspension setups.

I just want a functional lift with big tires, haha. Aesthetic 'balance' is a big deal to me (thats why I want 35"s....I think they look awesome on the Explorers with the right lift) but like mentioned, my priority is to have a functional and dependable lift.

Anyways, I photoshoped the following picture to exactly how I want my truck to sit.

If I could make my truck look like this, Id be happy:


Ok here is what you need Order:
1. A set of Fabtech or Doetsch Lift Spindles for a ranger EDGE (the latter cost less)
2. Go to your Local Parts store and buy the rotors for aformentioned Ranger EDGE (Get some new ball joint while your there)
3. Then a Body Lift PA 883(Summit Racing)
4. Get a set of warrior shackles WAR153
5. Go to you local junkyard and get the spring packs from a 86 F-150 (Keep all leaves except the first/main Leaf), replace all of the leaves from your Explorer pack except the First/main leaf with those from the F-150. TIP: Do the Leaves and the Shackles at the same time. Hell try and do it all at the same time.

ALL together what I have listed here will yeild 6" of lift in the front and 5.5 inches in the rear. It is enough to clear 33" tires with ease There are sport guys who have just a BL and a TT with the WAR153 claiming to be on new 35's with minor rubbing.

Now we are at the point where you need to decide what you really want out of this You could then go SOA(spring over axle) in the rear that will yeild another 5.5 inches of lift. Since you are 2wd you still have a lot of front TT(torsion twist) capability 2.5 inches comfortably 3.0 inches with a harsher ride.

So all up you could have 9" in front 11" in rear. That will definatly clear the body of your X. Then to run 35's you still need new gears in the rear. And a good tune so it isnt a dog.

Hope this helped


Well you are in socal so what type of offroading do you want to do??? mild trails and desert stuff?? If your going to go beat on in at all in the desert then stay away from body lifts. They will do lots of damage to the underside of your cab if you use it hard.

Well you are in socal so what type of offroading do you want to do??? mild trails and desert stuff?? If your going to go beat on in at all in the desert then stay away from body lifts. They will do lots of damage to the underside of your cab if you use it hard.

Yes, I don't want to use any body lift whatsoever

The Camburg 6.0 kit will work on our explorers, but is pricey for sure. If you really wanna get serious go for a full on long travel front suspension and have a blast. Im installing one in 2 weeks and it will be *****en to say the least.

Being 2wd and in san diego, i'm predicting that eventually you'll want to go fast in the desert with your explorer. The camburg kit is a good one to start off with. You may want 35s now but they may pose more problems than its worth in the long run. And just to answer a question you asked on the 1st page, the ranger 5.5 kit will not work, it's for the coil spring rangers rather than the ranger edge which had torsion bars like the explorers.

Ok no body lift then the camburg kit fiberglass fenders and search the crap out of this site. The way I decribed to you is the lowest costing most effective way of getting your lift. A desert runner is going to be very expensive and unless you just love you explorer it might be more cost efficent to just buy a different truck and start there.

Spindle lifts are only an option for 2WD's? Is that because of the CV axle? Also, is Fabtech the only company putting them out?

Correct, spindles are for 2wds because they don't have CVs. Explorer Procomp used to make lift spindles for our application (that's what i have), but i don't think they do anymore, at least not advertised for explorers. If they make ranger edge lift spindles though, those will work. If not, the fabtech ones will work, and another company Doetsch or Doetsch Tech makes/made lift spindles.
