?? Skyjacker extended brake lines ?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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?? Skyjacker extended brake lines ??


Well-Known Member
October 8, 1999
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City, State
Surprise, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
I purchased a set of extended brake lines from Skyjacker and when I opened the package I noticed they aren't the same. There is a brass block of some kind and it doesn't resemble the line factory at all, on the other hand one of them does match the factory line except longer. Anybody else have this problem? I would like 2 of the factory looking lines if its possible, I'll be calling them this week i just wanted to see what you guys did. Thanks.


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Are the extended brake lines for the front or the rear? I need to extend my rear brake lines. ??

The lines are for the front, they don't make lines for the rear. ( or atleast for the '99 rear axle on my X) I contacted Skyjacker and they are sending out the fitting I need to make the line work.

I just put a 6" Skyjacker lift on my 93 X, and the brake hoses they offered/supplied left much to be desired. The brass blocks are not identicle to OEM, but they do fit. The problem is the the fitting for the hose points towards the back of the vehicle, and this will cut the hose length significantly. I ended-up getting custom made hoses from Inline Tube with "universal" fittings at both ends of the hose. I was able to position these fittings so as to maximize the hose length, which was impossible with the Skyjacker hose.

I remember that problem too the first time I installed Skyjacker's lines..

I had to:

1) call them, explain to them that 93/94's have front ABS, and need the adapter/plug.

2) Grind a little bit of brass off of the end, so I can point the hoses in the right direction.

Once I did all that, everything worked fine. I finally destroyed one - but that's not fair to them, because it wasn't their fault. One I did my solid axle d44 swap, I messed up, and the line got caught between the trackbar mount and the spring, ripping it to shreds right there.

I Installed these lines on my 94. Under a turn in either direction, to the stops, the line hits the shock. I had one of those brass block crack on me leaving a parking lot. Do you have any pictures of that mod you did to the banjo fitting?

