Slamming hood to close it. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Slamming hood to close it.


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
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City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
So I’ve had my Explorer for over 10 years now and have always had to slam the hood to close it. Unlike other cars where you lower it and push down. My hood just bounces back up unless I slam it. Is this how it is for everyone else?

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Have you tried lubricating the hood latch?

You can adjust the latch from side to side and up and down by loosening the fastener bolts. Maybe you can slightly raise the hood latch. Mark your starting point, and make sure not to overly lower the latch, as this might make it tough to get the hood back open.

There are also rubber stops on the upper inside of each fender where the hood rests. You can raise or lower these stops by screwing them in or out. Make sure to mark your starting point and count the turns. Maybe you can get some relief by slightly lowering the rubber stops. Try to keep an alignment between the closed hood and the fenders.

Good luck.

So I’ve had my Explorer for over 10 years now and have always had to slam the hood to close it. Unlike other cars where you lower it and push down. My hood just bounces back up unless I slam it. Is this how it is for everyone else?
Heck no, although I've only had my Ex (98) since March. Freaking hood is Heavy. Just got replacement hood struts to hold it up. It latches well every time.

Have you tried lubricating the hood latch?

You can adjust the latch from side to side and up and down by loosening the fastener bolts. Maybe you can slightly raise the hood latch. Mark your starting point, and make sure not to overly lower the latch, as this might make it tough to get the hood back open.

There are also rubber stops on the upper inside of each fender where the hood rests. You can raise or lower these stops by screwing them in or out. Make sure to mark your starting point and count the turns. Maybe you can get some relief by slightly lowering the rubber stops. Try to keep an alignment between the closed hood and the fenders.

Good luck.

Ditto. The hood fit just needs to be adjusted, like the strikers in the door jambs. Raise and lower the front corner rubber stops to get a good height fit there. Then play with the latch mounting carefully, move it slightly up or down, yes not too low to stop it from opening. If the hood is not bent then it should be possible to adjust it so it locks shut with minor effort. I generally have to drop mine from about a foot from shut.

I lowered the rubber stops and I can now lower the hood until it latches, then I just force it down to close it. No more slamming the hood. It only took me 10 years to figure it out :thumbsup: This is where the rubber stops are now.


Got it.

