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Small town texas fun


Well-Known Member
July 5, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Round Rock,Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
01' Explorer Sport
So for all my texas peps I found a small place in florence that a guy owns and he will let you pay 10 bucks and he will pretty much go let you tear some stuff up and have alittle fun. It's a good place just to maybe have a meet up and play a little. I went out there last weekend with some friends and it was pretty fun. thinkin about going again this weekend if anyone would like to join. just throwing the invite out.

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Man I wish you could go to that would have been awsome :)

I got a plan! If this guy is still doing this in July, we can make a couple meets local. Help me with replacing the oil pump and making sure that the three years of nasty oil gunk is out of the motor. Prolly another camping trip at my parents land. Then we follow it up with a trip out to ol' dudes place and have a little fun. I'm dying to drive my truck since I haven't in 3+ years.

I like the sound of that. It can be the Hotter than Hell run.

I'd love to go but I don't go out on Saturdays, so I normally can't make meets. If it's a Sunday count me in and I'll be there.

lol to tell you the truth i dont think we've made it out on a saturday. we usely do go sundays....We did find a cheaper off road park in llano we were thinking about going and checking out soon.

I'm all over that. Count me in. I'm about 4 and a half hours away but i can make it.

Man that's a little bit of a drive But yet i'll keep you posted and stuff to let you know what we can get going.

Well here an update on the status of my truck. When my dad drove it back to the land, he could have swore the tapping stopped for a little bit. So I might have gotten lucky and just need too run some gunk be gone crap in it.
Seth for the little party thing I'm having will prolly be both days. Saturday will be the hanging out and what not and Sunday might be off road thing. Still a little early for complete plans though

That's cool. I've got friends all around there, I can go down and see them Saturday and go to church then hang out Sunday.

Hey is this place still an option. We should do another meet since I missed the other. ( wtf in just now reading this. )

Ha, Hutto. I'll be there tomorrow. I hope yall still have dove hanging around.
