Smoke from throtle body area | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Smoke from throtle body area


New Member
October 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mountaineer
Hello All,
I am new to this forum and need your assistance. My daughter has a 2000 Mercury Mountaineer and is off away at college. She called this morning to let me know that she saw smoke coming from under her hood. As best I can determine from her description, it sounds like it is coming from near her throttle body. She is 3 hours away and I am trying my best to diagnose it before I: A. hit the road or B: Call a mechanic - which I do not know of any in that area.
She said the vehicle ran fine this am. It is the first cold day there in low 50's if that helps.
THANKS for feedbace.

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sounds like it could be steam from one of the water lines aroung the water pump or thermostat assembly :dunno: it's really hard to determine when it is third hand information, and your not sure where it is coming from.

OK-she probably kicked on the heater for the first time in awhile-hmmm
Most likely thing would be the heater bypass valve--
Dirty picture yes-but it is near the throttle body-and they do leak--


  • bypass valve1.jpg
    bypass valve1.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 130

Yeah, That is what I orginally thought. It is possible that it could be a head gasket or hopefully not, a cracked head. I just can't tell based on her description. I am sending someone there later today to look at it so I know what I am up against should I go there and fix it tomorrow. THANKS for the reply.

I didn't think about the heater bypass valve. Will have them check for that also. THANKS for the information!

no gasoline smell. Thanks for the reply. Just "stinky" as an 18 y/o would describe. It is something to do with water pump, head gasket, heater bypass valve leak. something like that is my guess. I also changed out the throttle body air control valve earlier this year. I am not sure if I may have hit something and it finally broke.
