So much room for activities... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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So much room for activities...


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Dearborn Heights, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Sport
The close of our car season is always crazy. This fall feels especially hectic, because of all of the huge events that are coming up!

9/17 @2pm LMS customer appreciation car cruise to Milan track day.


Make sure that you RSVP as there are only 3 spots left!!!! RSVP to

After that, we have the Livernois Motorsports EcoBoost Battle in Bowling Green on 10/1-10/4!

All of the keyboard engineering stops there, and everyone is excited to see what streetcar is going to reign supreme!
Livernois Motorsports EcoBoost Battle in Bowling Green class purse:
$500 Win + Custom Crystal Award + Race Pages Magazine Coverage
$200 R/U + Plaque + Race Pages Magazine Coverage
$100 Semis
$50 Quarters

Then there is some small show called SEMA...? IDK it is some place named Las Vegas?


Anyway I hear that it is kind of a big deal. I will be there again this year checking out all of the festivities! Come by and see what crazy engineering tech we have cooked up this year!
