So so cold in Canada | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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So so cold in Canada


January 11, 2012
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I feel left you, our southern friends have had the 2013 for 2 weeks now, stil stuck with '12's in Canada. When o'when will the bakers dozen arrive in Canada?

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i think he meant LEFT OUT IN THE COLD

I feel left you, our southern friends have had the 2013 for 2 weeks now, stil stuck with '12's in Canada. When o'when will the bakers dozen arrive in Canada?

I FEEL LEFT OUT. NOT I FEEL LEFT YOU:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

My apologies, I was in too much pain to think straight when typing that. I long for a clear mind and 2013 order sheet.

My apologies, I was in too much pain to think straight when typing that. I long for a clear mind and 2013 order sheet.
Don't feel too bad. Ford of Canada is always slow to get the latest model on their Website. Not sure why. I have already sent in a complaint via their website when I was asked to comment on my visit to the site. Your dealer should have all the info you require to order a 2013.
Can't complain about the weather though. On the whole it has been very nice, especially for the Ottawa region. Above average temps for most days. The next few days are supposed to be in the mid to high 30's F. Time to beak out the shorts! :D


I grew up in Ontario. 7 degrees in Feb is patio weather. Good to know this is a common occurance. I'll phone the dealer see if he has the pricing, hopefully the interest rate is a little lower.
