SOA and Driveshaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SOA and Driveshaft


June 5, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Peoria, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Ranger
Hi, i am pretty sure i am getting a 93 explorer. I am gona lift it and do a SOA in the rear.
I know the rangers have a 2 peice rear driveshaft with a carrier bearing in the middle.

So, do 91-94 explorers have the same setup? If so, what is a common thing to stop the vibrations?
On Rangers, you can either drop the carrier bearing, or you can get a 98+ driveshaft that is 1 peice.

What do you explorer guys do? Thanks!

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No Ex's came with a two piece driveshaft. I believe the only Rangers that did were Supercabs, due to the long wheelbase.

If you do a SOA, the driveshaft may work as is. If you get lots of flex, you can get it lengthened.

Explorer driveshafts are one piece. If you set up the SOA right, there shouldn't be any vibrations.


O ya, is there any place i can get a set of those superlift spring over axle pads that bolt on and have built in shock mounts?

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think they sell them anymore. You could call some places like and see if they have any left though, or try to find some used. I'm guessing you don't know how to weld/have access to a welder? Otherwise, welding on $20 perches is easy.

Welll, i know a guy who can weld, but i dont feel like transporting the axle over there. Or i dont feel like owing him something if we did the whole project at his house...
I might be gettin an old, used arc welder this summer, jsut need to learn how to use it!

The SOA alone doesn't take long; 5 - 6 hours if you're quick, about 8 - 10 maximum. Take the truck over, do the SOA, buy him some food/beer, be done with it. Just throwing out some options in case you can't find the Superlift perches. Oh, and just curious, why are you looking for an Explorer to replace your Ranger. It has all the same stock parts and it sounds like you've already got a good start on the Ranger.

I want to sell ranger b/c my dad bought me the stock ranger. I lifted it and started wheelin it...
Now that i am getttin more into wheelin, i am puttin too much damage on the body of the truck and dad is gettin mad...
We are selling my truck while it still has some value, then we are splittin the cost of a cheaper RBV, either B2, Ranger, or Ex.. I like explorers...

what kind of wheeling you do should determine which vehicle you get, wheelbase has ALOT to do with vehicle selection if you are buying one to beat on :)

I want an explorer b/c wheelbase is shorter than my ranger, but longer than a bronco II...

And noone in my town has a lifted Ex!

OK, when i do SOA, i dont wana pay 127 for the superlift brackets
I gona get perches from Tractor supply... So, where you gou guys mount your shocks after?

By all means get the $20 weld on perches. Save some dough. You can completely flip everything over and mount the shocks in the stock location (no uptravel, this is a bad spot), put them on the sway bar (This didn't work well for me but has for many other), or cut the stock shock mount off and flip them and weld or weld them on the axle tube in a spot.


Hey RangerX,
I did my SOa, and ever since then I've had some vibration. I can;t think of any other reason except driveshaft length. What could I have done incorrectly?
And has anyone else experienced this?
FYI - my tires are scheduled to get rotated and balanced this week. It's right at 5,000 miles since the last time.

I'm no expert, but in a Sport, the driveshaft is shorter than a 4 door, so the angles at the t-case and axle are a little steeper. I would research how to check if both angles are the same. If one is different from the other, it can cause vibration.

I mounted my shocks in the stock sway bar mount holes. The sway bar wont work after SOA with out extensions. Thats why i just put them there, i have beat the **** out of my ex to and they havent budged,

Check your pinion angle, and addjust with shims...

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Karl Burns is 2wd, so no angles on the t-case. If your perches are not at the same angle/position, it could cause vibrations. Also, as dabomb said, it could be the pinion angle too far out.
