SOLVED; 2009 w/6R80 trans Overdrive switch does nothing. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SOLVED; 2009 w/6R80 trans Overdrive switch does nothing.

Post number 10 has been selected as best answered.


September 25, 2020
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Red deer
Year, Model & Trim Level
2009 Explorer Limited AWD
2009 Explorer Limited AWD 4.6 V8, 6R80 Trans. Overdrive switch does nothing - slightly higher than spec fuel consumption.
RPM on hwy at 110kph (68mph) is around 2000. I suspect it's not going into overdrive (6th). No check engine light.
Common causes? Ideas?
I searched the manual for a related fuse but there is no fuse labeled for Overdrive switch…checked all fuses both locations anyways, all good. Could it be the little shifter circuit board located in the center console? I havent taken console apart yet, wanted some advice on most common causes before i spend a bunch of time on it.

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Are you getting an od off light on the dash?

Search results for query: O d switch
Here is a simple search of the stock 4th gen forum for od switch the first 6 threads may give you some help.

I have a 2010 4x4 and use the OD on highway trips. Try going at 60-70 mph in OD and then turn it off. You should feel a slight down shift to lower gear. I do that a lot

The converter may not be locking up
There are many other sensors at play that will inhibit overdrive and lock-up functions For example Coolant temp, Trans temp, Knock sensor, and the list goes on. Need to get it somewhere that has the correct software and able to watch live data to see if 6th gear is being commanded
And proper TCC slip is happening.

I have a 2010 4x4 and use the OD on highway trips. Try going at 60-70 mph in OD and then turn it off. You should feel a slight down shift to lower gear. I do that a lot

Nothing happens, no indicator light, no rpm change...

Last page? Two fuse? P.s.6r60 Helm publications Misprinted.




I think you’re looking for fuse #20. OD switch cancel.

Update: fixed today...disconnected od switch wires at the little green pcb in center console, and reconnected and presto its working...turns out mine was stuck with OD on, so no better fuel economy but oh well another thing fixed. I sprayed all the connectors with control cleaner to help protect them...noticed some corrosion on a few pins of other connectors. Also someone had spilled a coke or coffee in there, so it was quite the cleanup. Fuse #20 is different on my vehicle....not for overdrive...and the fuse was good.

Thanks for posting you solved the issue. Helps everyone looking for similar repairs.

Thanks for posting you solved the issue. Helps everyone looking for similar repairs.
Glad you was able to repair your issue. Only one question remains... how was the little pcb accessed? Was something removed to gain easy presto access?

This video shows the location of the pcb. its in a white protective cover on the passenger side of center console...
I removed the whole center console for easier access. you might not actually have to tho... guy says in the video about it taking an hour but really its more like 10 minutes - not bad at all...


Thanks mickey for your quick response which I appreciate.. What's irritating to me is when people make videos which are ment to help, but alot skip over important parts like removing the center console (always some excuse).
