something wrong with BFG AT KO's? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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something wrong with BFG AT KO's?

I ordered a set of BFGoodrich All-Terrain KO 31x10.50x15's last week. They were supposed to be here today, but my tire guy said the company he gets the tires from said there is a problem with them and he cannot get them/they will not sell them. I got a full refund and was offered a discount on any other tire I choose, but I really like the BFG name and the tread design looks good. Anybody heard anything about this?

I was also told that the sidewalls on BFG All Terrains are too soft for my heavy Explorer. He said that I might not get more than 25,000 miles on a set. Anybody had these tires longer than that?

(Moderator, if this should have went in the tires and wheels forum, I don't mind you moving it or double posting it there too. I wasn't sure.)

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I ordered them at 8:00 am and had them at noon. As for the tires I have had the pre and post forms. I will say that the post are much quieter than pre. I have 35"X12.50" Next to sex I like my explorer best!

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tire guy is an Idiot

Your ture guy is a head. I had a 1990 gmc heavy duty 4x4 with a lift and 33 inch well over 50,000 miles on them at the time and they still had ok tread! keep in mind this thing was beat-on....trails, work a stone these tires did a lot of work-site(rough!) treading and never did i see a tear in a side wall. I had tried many other off-road ties proir and always saw an occasional sidewall tear. This is a f@#&in awesome tire. period. NOW OWN AN gmc was a constant problem...looked great but never ran well. live n learn

Re: tire guy is an Idiot

Originally posted by maxxus
head <- Potty mouth!! That's not condoned on this site. ;)
my gmc was a constant problem...looked great but never ran well. live n learn <-We could have told you that to start with!! :)

Oh yeah!

I have had my BFG A/T KO 31x10.50's for a couple of weeks now! The cheap tire guy was just ignorant I guess, but my REAL tire guy got me the tires no problem. Problem solved. So I guess there's no point in any more posts on this thread. Thanks for everyone's input!


I did it now....I just gone ahead and posted...hehe know us ladies always just have to have the last matter where we are... lol


You know,with that last statement I could just make this thread go on forever....:) He he he...jk

Re: oops

Originally posted by ExplorerEB96
I did it now....I just gone ahead and posted...hehe know us ladies always just have to have the last matter where we are... lol

Ya'll just don't know when to quit, even if you've already lost the arguement. ;)

We don't lose

We just let you think you won.... I mean really guys....doesn't it ever make you wonder when she doesn't argue?? lol just jokin....ok kill the thread matter what happens...I'm not postin anymore on this thread.....scouts honor!


I have had my BFG A/T KO's for a little over 15000 miles now and the tread is still in great shape. I found them a NTB for around $550 (it was a wile ago, i don't remember the price exactly). Anyway, I highly recommend them.
