Sometimes won't idle when it's warm | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sometimes won't idle when it's warm


Well-Known Member
September 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Wingham, Ontario, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 limited
Hey guys i just wanted to ask something. I got a 93 limited with 230 000km on it and the problem is-- Sometimes when it's warm and i shut it out for more then 15 minutes but less than an hour. when i go to start it again, it will barely run, sometimes i have to hold the pedal to the floor to make it start. Then once it starts and i rev it up a bit, then it runs fine. What do you think? mass air flow? or dirty throttle body? or maybe something like fuel press. regulator? any thoughts would be helpful.

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My guess is the fuel pressure regulator causing leakdown. Loss of pressure when off and heat causes big gas bubble to form. There is a pressure tap on the fuel rail. the pressure should hold over 30# for 30 minutes. I made my own pressure gauge out of old bike tube hose and 50# gauge. You need to remove the little schreader valve insert to get a good reading.

ok thanx man! I'll have to try that sometime.

Hey do you think that would also cause really bad milage? Cuz I seem to really burn alot of gas. With prices at almost 90 cents canadian per litre, it's gettin expensive. Where is this regulator and how do i change it?

Leakdown will either send gas back to the tank or to the intake manifold, causing bad gas mileage. In the later case you should find some gas in the vacuum line that connects to the bottom of the regulator. Located on fuel rail, two bolts, passenger side midway between valve cover and intake manifold.

Opera House said:
Leakdown will either send gas back to the tank or to the intake manifold, causing bad gas mileage. In the later case you should find some gas in the vacuum line that connects to the bottom of the regulator. Located on fuel rail, two bolts, passenger side midway between valve cover and intake manifold.
Ok thanks i will check that
