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Black Magic, where did you find those bright white and bright blue bulbs for your turn signals???? I can't find them anywhere

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Hey Black Magic, I was looking at your write up on how to lower a 2001 sport and its says that you lowered the front 3" and the back 1". So I was wondering if you had a 4X4 or not, because I have heard that you cannot lower a 4X4 more than 2" without having problems. So I'm assuming you don't have a 4X4, but if ya do tell me what you did so that you don't have any probs.


DraG-OnZ No, I do have a 4x4. I am not sure what problems I would have, if so I will just bring it back up with a twist of the torsion bolts and drive down to the dealer, 100k mile warrenty. I just did the torsion bolts up front. I only went with the 1" block in the rear to match the front stance. I really like the way it looks now. Let me know if you need any help.

Oh ok cool, thats sounds great because I have a 4X4 as well and I really liked how your drop turned out so I was going to do it exactly the same way and to the same degree (3" in front and 1" in the back) as you. I also want to go for the "sportier" look and not totally slam it, mainly because its also my winter vehicle and I don't want to lift and drop it for each season. Thanks for the help!

I don't have any pictures of my vehicle at the moment, mainly because I don't have a digital camera or scanner, but I plan on getting some pictures after I lower it. Hopefully I can get around to lowering it by the end of the month, and by then I'll hopefully will post some pics! :)

hey Matt nice rims.
